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Displaying 1-21 of 21 results for author "American Concrete Institute."
Rehabilitation, renovation, and preservation of concrete and masonry structures / Gajanan Sabnis, editor.
- Text
- Detroit (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station, Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, [1985], ©1985.
- 1985-1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AA3200 R266 Off-site Building code requirements for structural concrete (ACI 318-95) and commentary (ACI 318R-95) / reported by ACI Committee 318.
- Text
- Farmington Hills, MI : American Concrete Institute ; [Englewood, Colo. : distributor, Global Engineering Documents], c1995.
- 1995
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TH1465 .A438 1995 Off-site Epoxies, with concrete.
- Text
- Detroit, American Concrete Institute [c1968]
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 9847.327 Off-site Economical construction of concrete dams; proceedings.
- Text
- New York, American Society of Civil Engineers [1972?]
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TC547.E49 1972 Off-site Lightweight concrete. Daniel P. Jenny and Albert Litvin, editors.
- Text
- Detroit, American Concrete Institute [1971]
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA439.J45 Off-site Analysis of structural systems for torsion.
- Text
- [Detroit? 1973]
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA681.5.A47 Off-site Fatigue of concrete : annotated / Prepared as a part of the work of ACI Committee 215, Fatigue of Concrete.
- Text
- Detroit : American Concrete Institute, c1960.
- 1960
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 04964.122.4 Off-site Symposium on fire resistance of concrete.
- Text
- [Detroit, 1962]
- 1962
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 9114.1222 Off-site Concrete design : U.S. and European practices : proceedings of the symposium was held during the ACI annual convention, Philadelphia, Pa. / cosponsored by the American Concrete Institute ... [et al.].
- Text
- Detroit : ACI, c1979.
- 1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA683.2 .C58 1979 Off-site Concrete for nuclear reactors.
- Text
- Detroit, American Concrete Institute [c1972]
- 1972
- 3 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA439 .C562 vol.2 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA439 .C562 vol.1 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA439 .C562 vol. 3 Off-site Recommendations for an international code of practice for reinforced concrete.
- Text
- London : American Concrete Institute : Cement and Concrete Association, [1964?]
- 1964
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 91333.262.2 Off-site Design handbook : in accordance with the strength design method of ACI 318-83 / reported by ACI Committee 340.
- Text
- Detroit, Mich. (P.O. Box 19150, Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1984-
- 1984-present
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA683.22 .D47 1984 vol. 2 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA683.22 .D47 1984 vol. 1 Off-site Superplasticizers in concrete.
- Text
- Detroit : American Concrete Institute, c1979.
- 1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TP884.A3 C22 1978 Off-site Douglas McHenry International Symposium on Concrete and Concrete Structures.
- Text
- Detroit : American Concrete Institute, c1978.
- 1978
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA680 .D68 1976 Off-site Polymer concrete : uses, materials, and properties / James T. Dikeou, David W. Fowler, editors.
- Text
- Detroit (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Sta., Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA443.P58 P63 1985 Off-site High-strength concrete / Henry G. Russell, editor.
- Text
- Detroit, Mich. (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station, Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA440 .H54 1985 Off-site Developments in the use of superplasticizers / V.M. Malhotra, editor.
- Text
- Detroit (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station, Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1981.
- 1981
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TP884.A3 D48 Off-site Reinforced concrete structures subjected to wind and earthquake forces.
- Text
- Detroit : American Concrete Institute, c1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA658.44 .R44 Off-site Forming economical concrete buildings : proceedings of the second international conference.
- Text
- Detroit (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Sta., Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA682.44 .F67 1986 Off-site Vibrations of concrete structures.
- Text
- Detroit : American Concrete Institute, c1979.
- 1979
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA654 .S93 1977 Off-site Earthquake-resistant concrete structures inelastic response and design / S.K. Ghosh, editor.
- Text
- Detroit, Mich. (P.O. Box 19150, Redford Station, Detroit 48219) : American Concrete Institute, c1991.
- 1991
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TA658.44 .E238 1991 Off-site
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