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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "American Dialect Society. Secretary's report."
The ADS dictionary--how soon? / Frederic G. Cassidy. The linguistic atlas of New England, revisited / Audrey R. Duckert. The secretary's report.
- Text
- University, Ala. : University of Alabama Press, 1963, c1964.
- 1963-1964
Webster's third on nonstandard usage / Jean Malmstrom. Social aspects of bilingualism in San Antonio, Texas / Janet B. Sawyer. Names in gardening / Margaret M. Bryant. Needed research in American English (1963). Needed research in American English (1943). The secretary's report.
- Text
- University, Alabama : Published for the Society by University of Alabama Press, 1964, c1966.
- 1964-1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text PE1702 .A5 no.39-44 Off-site A Burley tobacco word list from Lexington, Kentucky / Norman A. Heap. The Secretary's report.
- Text
- University, Ala. z; Published for the Society by University of Alabama Press, 1966, c1968.
- 1966-1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text PE1702 .A5 no.45-50 Off-site Dialect labels in the Merriam Third / Raven I. McDavid. Some Southern farm terms in Faulkner's Go down, Moses / Gerald W. Walton. The Secretary's report.
- Text
- University, Ala. : Published for the Society by the University of Alabama Press, 1967, c1969.
- 1967-1969
The vocabulary of marble playing / by Kelsie B. Harder. More marbles words / by Josiah H. Combs. The position of the Charleston dialect / by Raven I. McDavid, Jr. Gritted and gritter / by Allan H. Orrick. The president's report. The secretary's report.
- Text
- Gainesville, Fla. : American Dialect Society, 1955.
- 1955
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