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Displaying 1-12 of 12 results for author "Amherst College. Alumni Council."
The Amherst memorial volume; a record of the contribution made by Amherst college and Amherst men in the world war, 1914-18, edited by Claude M. Fuess.
- Text
- [Amherst, Mass.] 1926.
- 1926
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text STG (Amherst College. Amherst memorial volume) Offsite Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates, centennial edition, 1821-1921, edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young; with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass., The Trustees of Amherst College, 1939.
- 1939
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text NYGB LD 152.4 1939 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text STG (Amherst college. Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates) Offsite Biographical record of the graduates and non-gradustes. Centennial edition 1821-1921. Edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young, with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass., The College, 1927.
- 1927
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text STG (Amherst) (Amherst College. Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates) Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Ebenzer S. Snell [electronic resource] : addresses at the annual meeting of the Amherst College Alumni, commemorative of the late Professor Snell, Wednesday, June 27, 1877 / by Daniel W. Poor, and William C. Esty.
- Text
- Springfield, Mass. : Clark W. Bryan, printers, 1877.
- 1877
- 1 Resource
Available Online Amherst memorial volume ; a record of the contribution made by Amherst college and Amherst men in the world war, 1914-18 / edited by Claude M. Fuess.
- Text
- [Amherst, Mass.], 1926.
- 1926
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 940.91 Am4 Off-site Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates. : Centennial edition 1821-1921 / Edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young, with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass. : The College, 1927.
- 1927
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 378.7Am4 G2 Off-site Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates, centennial edition, 1821-1921, edited by Robert S. Fletcher ... and Malcolm O. Young ... with preface by John M. Tyler ...
- Text
- 1939
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R378.7Am4 G2113 Off-site Amherst College songs / edited and compiled by William P. Bigelow.
- Notated music
- Amherst, Mass. : Alumni Council of Amherst College, 1926.
- 1926
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Notated music 73.76A Am Off-site Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates, centennial edition, 1821-1921, edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young; with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass., The Trustees of Amherst College, 1939.
- 1939
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 6666.122.12 Off-site Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates. Centennial edition 1821-1921. Edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young, with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass., The College, 1927.
- 1927
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text LD152.4.A5 1927 Off-site Amherst graduates' quarterly.
- Text
- Brattleboro, V.T., etc., Alumni Council of Amherst College, etc.
- 19-19
- 37 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 6666.124 vol. 35 1945-46 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 6666.124 vol. 36 1946-47 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 6666.124 vol. 37-38 1947-49 Off-site Biographical record of the graduates and non-graduates. Centennial edition 1821-1921. Edited by Robert S. Fletcher and Malcolm O. Young, with preface by John M. Tyler.
- Text
- Amherst, Mass., The College, 1927.
- 1927
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text LD152.4 .A5 1927 Off-site
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