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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "Bradley, Walter L."
The mystery of life's origin : reassessing current theories / Charles B. Thaxton, Walter L. Bradley, Roger L. Olsen.
- Text
- New York : Philosophical Library, 1984.
- 1984
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JSE 86-1307 Offsite Experimental observations and finite element analysis of the initiation of fiber microbuckling in notched composite laminates [microform] / prepared by E. Gail Guynn, Walter L. Bradley, Ozden O. Ochoa.
- Text
- College Station, Tex. : Center for Mechanics of Composites, Texas A&M University ; Hampton, Va. : NASA Langley Research Center, Mechanics & Materials Branch ; [Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1990]
- 1990
Experimental observations and finite element analysis of the initiation of fiber microbuckling in notched composite laminates [microform] : an annual progress report / prepared by E. Gail Guynn, Walter L. Bradley.
- Text
- College Station, Tex. : Center for Mechanics of Composites, Texas A&M University ; [Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; [Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1990]
- 1989
Micromechanics of composite laminate compression failures [microform] : semi-annual progress report for NASA research grant NAG-1-659, (for work through November 1, 1986) / prepared by E. Gail Guynn, Walter L. Bradley.
- Text
- [Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1986]
- 1986
Micromechanics of compression failures in open hole composite laminates [microform] : a report / by E. Gail Guynn, Walter L. Bradley.
- Text
- College Station, Tex. : Mechanics and Materials Center, Texas A&M University ; [Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1987]
- 1987
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