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Displaying 1-11 of 11 results for author "Curtius Rufus, Quintus."
Manuscrit d'Avalos (1438) : notes / écrites par M. le Marquis d'Azeglio ... sur ce manuscrit qui lui appartient ; accompagnées du fac-simile des principaux dessins et majuscules contenus dans le livre.
- Text
- London : C. Silvy, 1861.
- 1861
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *ISM (Azeglio, V. E. T. Manuscrit d'Avalos) Offsite Alexander : selected texts from Arrian, Curtius and Plutarch / edited by Tania Gergel ; with an introduction by Michael Wood.
- Text
- London : Penguin, 2004.
- 2004
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JFC 05-242 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Les Remarques de l'Académie française sur le Quinte-Curce de Vaugelas, 1719-1720 : contribution à une histoire de la norme grammaticale & rhétorique en France / Wendy Ayres-Bennett, Philippe Caron.
- Text
- Paris : Presses de l'Ecole normale supérieure, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text PA6377.F7 V38 1996g Off-site The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin : being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander\u0027s campaigns in Afghanistan, the Punjâb, Sindh, Gedrosia and Karmania / with an introduction containing a life of Alexander, copious notes, illustrations, maps and indices by J. W. M\u0027Crindle.
- Text
- Westminster : A. Constable and Co., 1896.
- 1896
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text MT23 M13 Off-site Alexander the Great : selected texts from Arrian, Curtius and Plutarch / edited by Tania Gergel ; with an introduction by Michael Wood.
- Text
- New York : Penguin, 2004.
- 2004
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text DF234 .A49 2004 Off-site The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin : being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander's campaigns in Afghanistan, the Punjâb, Sindh, Gedrosia and Karmania / with an introduction containing a life of Alexander, copious notes, illustrations, maps and indices by J. W. M'Crindle.
- Text
- Westminster : A. Constable and Co., 1896.
- 1896
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text DF234.6 .M375 1896 Off-site De gestis Alexandri Magni regis Macedonum libri qui supersunt octo. Recognovit Henricus Eduardus Foss.
- Text
- 1877
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 2843.1877 Off-site Schulwörterbuch zu Max C.P. Schmidts. Q. Curti Rufi Historiae Alexandri Migni. Von Max C.P. Schmidt.
- Text
- 1887
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 2843.4907 Off-site Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen, übers. mit. anmerkungen versehen von W. Felsing.
- Text
- 1931
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text PA6376.A2 1931 Off-site The invasion of India by Alexander the Great as described by Arrian, Q. Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch and Justin : being translations of such portions of the works of these and other classical authors as describe Alexander's campaigns in Afghanistan, the Punjâb, Sindh, Gedrosia and Karmania / with an introduction containing a life of Alexander, copious notes, illustrations, maps and indices by J. W. M'Crindle.
- Text
- Westminster : A. Constable and Co., 1896.
- 1896
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text DF234.6 .M375 1896 Off-site Schulwörterbuch zu Max C.P. Schmidts. Q. Curti Rufi Historiae Alexandri Migni. Von Max C.P. Schmidt.
- Text
- Leipzig, G. Freytag, 1887.
- 1887
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 2843.4907 Off-site
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