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Displaying 1-50 of 75 results for author "ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills."
Learning disabilities and reading [microform] / by Jerry Johns and Sandy Krickeberg.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills ; [Washington, DC] : U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Evaluating student writing [microform] : methods and measurement / by Nancy B. Hyslop
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Adult literacy [microform] : overview, programs, and research / Michael Shermis.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Indiana University, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Listening skills in business [microform] / by Michael Shermis.
- Text
- [Bloomfield, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Communication apprehension [microform] / by Michael Shermis.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills ; [Washington, DC] : U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Remedial reading [microform] / by Jerry Johns and Joelle Schlesinger.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills ; [Washington, DC] : U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Business ethics [microform] / by Michael Shermis.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills ; [Washington, DC] : U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Reading - writing relationships [microform] / by Jerry Johns and Roberta L. Berglund.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills ; [Washington, DC] : U.S. Dept. of Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Educational Resources Information Center, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Teenage television viewing [microform] / by Michael Shermis.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Integrating literature into middle school reading classrooms [microform] / Jerry Johns and Susan J. Davis.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Schema activation, construction, and application [microform] / by Marino C. Alvarez and Victoria J. Risko.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Book-length works taught in high school English courses [microform] / Arthur N. Applebee.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1990]
- 1991-1990
Writing exercises for high school students [microform] / by Barbara Vultaggio.
- Text
- [Washington, DC] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Storytelling [microform] : an art for all / by William Burriss.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Word processing and writing instruction [microform] / by Michael Shermis.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1991-1989
Remedial reading for elementary school students [microform] / Carolyn Smith McGowen.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1990]
- 1991-1990
The news about high school journalism [microform] / by Margaret Haining Cowles.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1988]
- 1991-1988
Reading in the two-year college [microform] / by Margaret Haining Cowles.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1988]
- 1990-1988
New policy guidelines for reading [microform] : connecting research and practice / Jerome C. Harste.
- Text
- Urbana, Ill. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1989]
- 1989
Teaching children to appreciate literature [microform] : two complementary approaches / Sharon L. Pugh.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1988.
- 1988
Using newspapers as effective teaching tools [microform] / by Nola Kortner Aiex.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1988.
- 1988
Using film, video, and TV in the classroom [microform] / by Nola Kortner Aiex.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1988.
- 1988
Note-taking [microform] : what do we know about the benefits? / by Jeff Beecher.
- Text
- [Bloomimgton IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1988.
- 1988
Revision [microform].
- Text
- [Urbana, Ill.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1987]
- 1987
Word history [microform] : a guide to understanding the English language / by Carl B. Smith and Eugene W. Reade.
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, 1991.
- 1991
Contact literature in English [microform]
- Text
- [Urbana, Ill.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1987]
- 1987
Parent involvement in elementary language arts [microform] : program model / by Marge Simic.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Adult literacies [microform] : intersections with elementary and secondary education.
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills] : Phi Delta Kappa, Center on Evaluation, Development, and Research, [1990]
- 1991
Teaching technical communication [microform] / by Rebecca Kelly.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication, [1991]
- 1991
Educating the consumer about advertising [microform] : some issues / by Stephen S. Gottlied.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Encouraging writing achievement [microform] : writing across the curriculum / Sharon Sorenson.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Semiotics and the English language [microform] / Charles Suhor.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Increasing comprehension by activating prior knowledge [microform] / by William L. Christen and Thomas J. Murphy.
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Reading and writing in a kindergarten classroom [microform] / by Bobbi Fisher.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, Indiana University, [1991]
- 1991
Adult literacy [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Writing [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, IN] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Peer teaching and collaborative learning in the language arts [microform] / by Elizabeth McAllister.
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind.] : EDINFO Press : in cooperation with ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills and Center for Reading and Lanuage Studies, [1990]
- 1990
Critical thinking [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Reading, middle & secondary [microform]
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Family involvement [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Literature [microform]
- Text
- Bloomington, IN : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Whole language and integrated language arts [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
How college learning specialists can help college students [microform]
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Teacher effectiveness and reading instruction [microform] / Richard D. Robinson.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Alternative assessment of performance in the language arts [microform] : proceedings : a national symposium cohosted by Phi Delta Kappa and ERIC/RCS, Bloomington, Indiana, 27 August 1990 / edited by Carl B. Smith.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Quiet children and the classroom teacher [microform] / James C. McCroskey and Virginia P. Richmond.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Teaching interviewing for career praparation [microform] / Charles J. Stewart.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Writing for successful publication [microform] / Kenneth T. Henson.
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Testing and assessment [microform]
- Text
- [Bloomington, Ind.] : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
Student literacy [microform]
- Text
- Bloomington, Ind. : ERIC Clearinghouse on Reading and Communication Skills, [1991]
- 1991
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