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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for author "Groot, Marjan"
Living in the Amsterdam School : designs for the interior 1910-1930 / Ingeborg de Roode and Marjan Groot ; with contributions by Frans van Burkom, Radboud van Beekum, Jan de Bruijn, Marthe Kes, Hans Ibelings, Coert Peter Krabbe, Azinta Plantenga, Pao Lien Djie, Beatrix Ruf ; photography, Erik en Petra Hesmerg.
- Text
- Bussum : THOTH Publishers ; Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum, [2016]
- 2016-2016
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JQF 17-1961 Schwarzman Building - Art & Architecture Room 300 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Wonen in de Amsterdamse School : ontwerpen voor het interieur 1910-1930 / Ingeborg de Roode en Marjan Groot ; met bijdragen van Frans van Burkom [and many others] ; fotografie: Erik en Petra Hesmerg.
- Text
- Bussum : Uitgeverij Thoth : Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum, [2016].
- 2016
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ReCAP 18-25702 Offsite Living in the Amsterdam School : designs for the interior 1910-1930 / Ingeborg de Roode en Marjan Groot ; with contributions by Frans van Burkom, Radboud van Beekum, Jan de Bruijn, Marthe Kes, Hans Ibelings, Coert Peter Krabbe, Azinta Planinga, Pao Lien Djie, Beatric Ruf ; photography, Erik en Petra Hesmerg ; translation (Dutch-English) Lisa Holden.
- Text
- Bussum : Thoth ; Amsterdam : Stedelijk Museum, [2016]
- 2016-2016
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text NA1148.5.A4 R6613 2016g Off-site
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