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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for author "Guo jia dui wai Han yu jiao xue ling dao xiao zu (China). Ban gong shi."
Zhongguo zhi lü. Zhongguo xi nan jin cheng Chengdu / Guo jia dui wai Han yu jiao xue ling dao xiao zu ban gong shi, shi jie Han yu jiao xue jiao liu zhong xin sheng xiang zhi zuo bu, Beijing yu yan xue yuan dian jiao zhong xin ; zhuan gao Liu Daozun ; zhi pian Feng Zhirun ; jian zhi Yan Guozhang, Li Wensheng ; bian dao Li Wenhua, Li Bin.
- Moving image
- [Beijing] : Xian dai chu ban she, [1992]
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Moving image PN1997 .Z462 1992 Off-site Zhongguo zhi lü. Hainan dao xun li / Guo jia dui wai Han yu jiao xue ling dao xiao zu ban gong shi, shi jie Han yu jiao xue jiao liu zhong xin sheng xiang zhi zuo bu, Beijing yu yan xue yuan dian jiao zhong xin ; zhuan gao Liu Daozun, Zhang Sanjie ; zhi pian Feng Zhirun ; jian zhi Yan Guozhang, Li Wensheng ; bian dao Duan Zhengyong.
- Moving image
- [Beijing] : Xian dai chu ban she, [1992]
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Moving image PN1997 .Z463 1992 Off-site
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