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Displaying 1-10 of 10 results for author "Harvard University. Bureau of Vocational Guidance."
A guide to the study of occupations; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study, by Frederick J. Allen ... prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of vocational guidance, Graduate school of education, Harvard university.
- Text
- Cambridge, Harvard university press; [etc., etc.] 1921.
- 1921
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text TMH (Allen, F. J. Guide to the study of occupations. 1921) [1921] Offsite A guide to the study of occupations; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study, by Frederick J. Allen ...
- Text
- Cambridge, Harvard university press, 1925.
- 1925
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text TMH (Allen, F. J. Guide to the study of occupations. 1925) [1925] Offsite Employment opportunities for handicapped men in the coppersmithing trade, by Bert J. Morris, Bureau fo Vocational Guidance, Division of Education, Harvard University. Prepared by the Bureau of Vocational Guidance, in cooperation with Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men, New York.
- Text
- New York City, The Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men [1918]
- 1918
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 339.03 R2451 ser.2:no.4 Off-site Employment opportunities for handicapped men in the optical goods industry, by Bert J. Morris, Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Division of Education, Harvard University. Prepared by the Bureau of Vocational Guidance in cooperation with Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men, New York.
- Text
- New York City, Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men [©1919]
- 1919
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 339.03 R2451 ser.2:no.6 Off-site Opportunities for handicapped men in the rubber industry, by Bert J. Morris and Charles H. Paull, Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Division of Education, Harvard University. Prepared by the Bureau of Vocational Guidance in cooperation with Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men, New York.
- Text
- New York City, Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men [©1919]
- 1919
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 339.03 R2451 ser.2:no.9 Off-site Opportunities for the employment of handicapped men in the shoe industry, by Frederick J. Allen, Assistant Director of the Bureau of Vocational Guidance, Division of Education, Harvard University ... Prepared by the Bureau of Vocational Guidance in cooperation with Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men, New York.
- Text
- New York City, The Red Cross Institute for Crippled and Disabled Men [©1919]
- 1919
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 339.03 R2451 ser.2:no.8 Off-site A guide to the study of occupations ; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study / by Frederick J. Allen ... prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of vocational guidance, Graduate school of education, Harvard university.
- Text
- Cambridge : Harvard university press; [etc., etc.], 1921.
- 1921
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 371.42 AAl5 Off-site A guide to the study of occupations ; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study / by Frederick J. Allen ...
- Text
- Cambridge : Harvard university press, 1925.
- 1925
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 371.42 AAl51 Off-site A guide to the study of occupations; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study, by Frederick J. Allen ... prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of vocational guidance, Graduate school of education, Harvard university.
- Text
- Cambridge, Harvard university press; [etc., etc.] 1921.
- 1921
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 04909.119 Off-site A guide to the study of occupations; a selected critical bibliography of the common occupations with specific references for their study, by Frederick J. Allen ... prepared under the auspices of the Bureau of vocational guidance, Graduate school of education, Harvard university.
- Text
- Cambridge, Harvard University Press 1921.
- 1921
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 04909.119 Off-site
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