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Displaying 1-6 of 6 results for author "Institute of Microfinance (Bangladesh), issuing body."
The pattern and determinants of poverty in rural Bangladesh, 2000-2010 / S.R. Osmani, Muhammad Abdul Latif.
- Text
- Dhaka : Institute of Microfinance, 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC440.8.Z9 O86 2013 Off-site Risk, deprivation and vulnerability facing rural poor of Bangladesh / Syed M. Ahsan [and four others].
- Text
- Dhaka : Institute of Microfinance (InM), 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC440.8.Z9 P6122364 2014 Off-site Programmed initiative, reaching the extreme poor and MFI sustainability : mission drift or diseconomy? / M. Sadiqul Islam.
- Text
- Dhaka : Institute of Microfinance (InM), 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HG3729.B32 I55 2014 Off-site Technical efficiency analysis of PRIME branches in monga areas of Bangladesh : an application of data envelopment analysis / Farhana Nargis.
- Text
- Dhaka : Institute of Microfinance (InM), 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HA31.38 .N37 2014 Off-site Designing social protection for the poor : learning from lessons on the ground / S. R. Osmani.
- Text
- Dhaka : Institute of Microfinance (InM), 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC440.8.Z9 P63334 2014 Off-site Disease-specific impoverishment impact of out-of-pocket payments for health care : evidence from rural Bangladesh / Syed Abdul Hamid, Syed M. Ahsan.
- Text
- Dhaka, Bangladesh : Institute of Microfinance (InM), July 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA410.55.B36 A33 2014g Off-site
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