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Displaying 1-1 of 1 results for author "International Biennial Print Exhibit (2nd : 1985 : Taipei, Taiwan)"
Zhonghua Minguo di 2 jie guo ji ban hua shuang nian zhan : Zhonghua Minguo 74 nian 12 yue 24 ri--Zhonghua Minguo 75 nian 2 yue 24 ri / ce hua dan wei Xing zheng yuan wen hua jian she wei yuan hui ; zhu ban dan wei Xing zheng yuan wen hua jian she wei yuan hui, Taibei shi li mei shu guan ; xie ban dan wei Wai jiao bu [and others] = 2nd International Biennial Print Exhibit, 1985, ROC : December 24, 1985--February 24, 1986 / organizer Council for Cultural Planning & Development, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. ; sponsors Council for Cultural Planning & Development, Executive Yuan, R.O.C., Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
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- [Taipei] : [Xing zheng yuan wen hua jian she wei yuan hui], Minguo 74 [1985]
- 1985
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