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Displaying 1-8 of 8 results for author "International Fertilizer Development Center."
FAI-IFDC Fertiliser Seminar, 1977 : trends in consumption & production : proceedings of the seminar held at New Delhi from December 1-3, 1977 / [edited by R.S. Giroti et al.].
- Text
- New Delhi : Fertiliser Association of India, 1978.
- 1978
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JSD 80-233 Offsite Women, agriculture, and rural development in Latin America / compiled by Jacqueline A. Ashby, Stella Gómez.
- Text
- Muscle Shoals, Ala., USA : International Fertilizer Development Center ; Cali, Colombia : Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical, [1985]
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Z7963.E7 A83 1985 Off-site Tracteurs comme obsession le potentiel de la mécanisation agricole au cœur de la région des Grands Lacs d'Afrique Centrale / Henk Breman & Aline Z. Akonkwa.
- Text
- Muscle Shoals, Ala. : IFDC, 2012.
- 2012
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text S760.A352 B74 2012g Off-site Fourrage, production animale et vivriere, la terre et les besoins d'engrais des petits producteurs dans la region des Grands Lacs de l'Afrique Centrale : rapport du Projet IFDC CATALIST / par Heiko W. Köster.
- Text
- Kigali : IFDC CATALIST, 2010.
- 2010
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text SB193.3.A352 K68 2010g Off-site Proposition pour l'amelioration des recommandations pour la gestion integree de la fertilite des sols (GIFS) sur la base des resultats des tests participatifs et des demonstrations de fertilisation du projet CATALIST / Henk Breman [and others].
- Text
- Muscle Shoals, Ala. : IDFC, 2012.
- 2012
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text S599.5.R95 P76 2012g Off-site Fertilizer policy in tropical Africa = Politiques des engrais en Afrique tropicale : workshop proceedings, Lomé, Togo, April 1988 / editors, Tshikala B. Tshibaka, Carlos A. Baanante.
- Text
- Muscle Shoals, Ala., U.S.A. : International Fertilizer Development Center ; Washington, D.C., U.S.A. : International Food Policy Research Institute, [1990]
- 1990
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD9483.A4372 F47 1990 Off-site Women, agriculture, and rural development in Latin America / compiled by Jacqueline A. Ashby, Stella Gómez.
- Text
- Cali, Colombia : Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical ; Muscle Shoals, Ala. : International Fertilizer Development Center, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Z7964.L29 A73 Off-site Competitive Agricultural Systems and Enterprises (CASE) : a grassroots approach to agribusiness development in Sub-Saharan Africa. Volume 1, Reference framework and early experiences / by A. Maatman in collaboration with V.A. Clottey [and others].
- Text
- Muscle Shoals, Ala. : IFDC, 2011-
- 2011
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD2117 .M24 2011 vol.1 Off-site
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