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Displaying 1-50 of 51 results for author "International Gay Information Center."
[Finland Books Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., c[1980-1982]
- 1980-1982
[Male Photo Illustrated Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1979]
- 1979
[Stud Series Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1976-1979]
- 1976-1979
[Numbers Paperback Library Collection]
- Text
- Miami, Fla. : Numbers, c1978.
- 1978
[Gay Parisian Press Collection]
- Text
- : Gay Parisian Press, [1970-1971]
- 1970-1971
[French Line Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Publishers Export Co., [1967-1969]
- 1967-1969
[Male Color Illustrated]
- Text
- [1970-1979?]
- 1970-1979
[Parisian Press Collection]
- Text
- : Parisian Press, [1971-1972]
- 1971-1972
[Proctor File Illustrated Collection]
- Text
- [1970-1979?]
- 1970-1979
[Midwood Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Midwood Enterprises, Inc., [1969-1976]
- 1969-1976
[Roadhouse Classics Collection]
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Guild Press Ltd., c1971.
- 1971
[Golden Boy Books Collection]
- Text
- N. Hollywood, Calif. : Arena Publications, Inc., [1978-1979]
- 1978-1979
[Ram Collection]
- Text
- San Francisco, Calif. : Hamilton House Publishing, [1974-1975]
- 1974-1975
[Club Series Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, [1973-1974]
- 1973-1974
[Impact Library Collection]
- Text
- Los Angeles, Calif. : Echelon Book Publishers, [1967-1968]
- 1967-1968
[Olympia Press Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Olympia Press, [1970-1972]
- 1970-9172
[Barclay House Collection]
- Text
- N. Hollywood, Calif. : Barclay House, [1969-1970]
- 1969-1970
[Traveller's Companion Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Olympia Press, [1968-1972]
- 1968-1972
[Trojan Classic Collection]
- Text
- Chatsworth, Calif. : GX, Inc., [1968?-1973]
- 1968-1973
[Spade Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Spade Publishing Co., [1968-1974]
- 1968-1974
[Adonis Classic Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Greenleaf Classics, Inc., [1975-1982]
- 1975-1982
[Gaytimes Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, [1979-1982]
- 1979-1982
[Gay Way Collection]
- Text
- [1969-1972?]
- 1969-1972
[Frenchy's Gay Line Collection]
- Text
- [1969-1971]
- 1969-1971
[Brandon House Collection]
- Text
- N. Hollywood, Calif. : Brandon House, [1968-1970]
- 1968-1970
[Greenleaf Classics Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Greenleaf Classics, Inc., [1969-1970]
- 1969-1970
[Pleasure Reader Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Phenix Publishers, Ltd. : Greenleaf Classics, Inc. ; [1969-1973]
- 1969-1973
[Companion Books Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Phenix Publishers, Ltd., c1968.
- 1968
[Original Adult Books Collection]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Greenleaf Classics, c1968.
- 1968
[Big Boy/Backdoor Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1970?-1976]
- 1970-1976
[Hardboy Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1974-1977]
- 1974-1977
[Wildboys Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1975-1976]
- 1975-1976
[Rough Trade Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Ltd., [1975?-1982]
- 1975-1982
[Blueboy Library Collection]
- Text
- [1976-1978]
- 1976-1978
[Surrey Stud Collection]
- Text
- Surrey House, Inc., [1975-1982]
- 1975-1982
[Manhard Collection]
- Text
- California : Surrey House, Ltd., [1973-1979]
- 1973-1979
[His Collection I]
- Text
- San Diego, Calif. : Surrey House, Ltd., [1971-1975]
- 1971-1975
[Monkey Collection]
- Text
- New York : Monkey Publication, [1969-1970]
- 1969-1970
[Guild Press Collection]
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Guild Press, Ltd., [1966-1967]
- 1966-1967
[Twilight Classics Collection]
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Guild Press, Ltd., [1968-1969]
- 1968-1969
[Black Knight Classics Collection]
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Guild Press, Ltd., [1969-1970]
- 1969-1970
[101 Enterprises Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : 101 Enterprises, Inc., [1967-1969]
- 1967-1969
[Grand Prix Classics Collection]
- Text
- [New York, N.Y.?], [1970-1975?]
- 1970-1975
[Eros Collection]
- Text
- Wilmington, Del. : Eros Publishing Co., Inc., [1973-1978]
- 1973-1978
[Star Distributors (Misc.) Collection]
- Text
- New York, N.Y. : Star Distributors, Inc., [1979-1987]
- 1979-1987
[Spartan Collection]
- Text
- Chatsworth, Calif. : GX, Inc., [1972-1974]
- 1972-1974
[Timely Books Collection]
- Text
- Deer Park, N.Y. : Timely Books, c1971.
- 1971
[Gay Male (Misc.) Collection]
- Text
- [1967-1986]
- 1967-1986
[Heterosexual (Misc.) Collection]
- Text
- [1964-1981]
- 1964-1981
The Mattachine Society, Inc. of New York : records, 1951-76 / International Gay Information Center.
- Text
- Woodbridge, Conn : Research Publications, 1998.
- 1998
- 25 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text MICROFILM 11783 reel 22 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text MICROFILM 11783 reel 23 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text MICROFILM 11783 reel 24 Off-site
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