Research Catalog

  • Ethyl-p-aminobenzoate (Benzocaine) : efficacy as an anesthetic for five species of freshwater fish / by V.K. Dawson and P.A. Gilderhus. Influences of selected environmental factors on the activity of a prospective fish toxicant, 2-(Digeranylamino)-ethanol, in laboratory tests / by C.A. Launer and T.D. Bills. Toxicities of the lampricides 3-trifluoromethyl-4-nitrophenol (TFM) and the 2-aminoethanol salt of 2',5-dichloro-4'-nitrosalicylanilide (Bayer 73) to four bird species / by R.H. Hudson.

    • Text
    • Washington : Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, 1979.
    • 1979
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text SH157.7 .I58 no.87-89Off-site

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