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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory"
The northern mandate : a constitutional history of the Northern Territory / John J. Coe.
- Text
- [Darwin] : Museum and Art Galleries Board of the Northern Territory, c1990.
- 1990
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JQ4642 .C64 1990x Off-site The Navy in Darwin, 1941-1943 : a graphic record from a sailor's sketch books with photos of Darwin 1941, 1942 / sketches by Pat Forster and recollections as told to Ted Egan.
- Text
- Alice Springs, N.T. : Museums and Art Galleries of the N.T., 1992.
- 1992
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Binding culture into thread : textile arts of Biboki, West Timor/ Fiona Leibrick.
- Text
- Darwin, N.T. : Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory and the Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Territory University, 1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site 'Fit for the gentler sex' : a social and site history of the settlement of Port Darwin and its environs. A commemoration of the contribution women have made to the Territory / prepared for the NT Women's Advisory Council by Helen J. Wilson and Barbara James in association with Mickey Dewar.
- Text
- Darwin, N.T. : Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, [1997]
- 1997
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text DU398.D3 W55 1997 Off-site Ten shipwrecks of the Northern Territory / edited by Paul Clark.
- Text
- [Darwin] : Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, 2008.
- 2008
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text VK1289 .T46 2008 Off-site
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