Research Catalog

  • Théodore Gericault : okovani Prometej kojega oslobađa Heraklo sa skicama i poprsje žene koja se drži za glavu i Bosonoga djevojčica koja sjedi - dvostrani crtež iz Muzeja Mimara = Théodore Gericault, Prometheus in chains whom Heracles is liberating with sketches and bust of a woman holding her head with her arm and barefoot seated little girl, a two-sided drawing from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; [urednik, Tugomir Lukšić].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2009.
    • 2009
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC248.G38 A4 2009Off-site
  • Guillaume Boichot, Obavijanje platnom i mirodijama prije polaganja u grob = Guillaume Boichot, Wrapping in linen cloth and spices before entombment ; Paul Gavarni, Laitière, tenue de ville i Nedovršena veduta trga s fontanom okruženom ljudima = Paul Gavarni, Laitière, tenue de ville and Unfinished veduta of square with fountain surrounded by people : crteži iz Muzeja Mimara = drawings from the Mimara Museum / Slaven Perović ; [editor: Togomir Lukšić ; English translation: Graham McMaster].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, 2013.
    • 2013
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC246 .P472 2013Off-site
  • Crtez̆i i grafike francuskih malih majstora XIX. stoljeća kupljene na eBayu u razdoblju od 2007. do 2012. godine = Drawings and prints of French minor masters of the 19th century bought on eBay between 2007 and 2012 / Slaven Perović ; [editor, Togomir Lukšić ; English translation, Graham McMaster].

    • Text
    • Zagreb : Muzej Mimara, ©2012.
    • 2012
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text NC246 .P47 2012Off-site

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