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Displaying 1-8 of 8 results for author "National Right to Read Conference (1978 : Washington, D.C.)"
Can public schools meet the literacy needs of the handicapped? / [Jules C. Abrams].
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:H 19 Off-site The private sector involvement in literacy efforts / Lily Fleming, Daniel Bassill, Linda Stoker.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, [1980]
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:P 93 Off-site Publishers' responsibilities in meeting the continuing challenge of literacy / Kenneth Komoski.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:P 96 Off-site How should reading fit into the preschool curriculum?
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:R 22 Off-site Assessment of reading competencies / [Donald Fisher].
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:R 22/2 Off-site The basic skills movement : its impact on literacy / [Thomas Stitch].
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ED 1.27:Sk 3 Off-site Literacy, meeting the challenge : literacy, competency and the problem of graduation requirements / [Allen B. Moore].
- Text
- [Washington] : Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, [Education Division], Office of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HE 19.102:L 71/2 Off-site Literacy, meeting the challenge : who is accountable for pupil illiteracy? / [Paul Tractenberg].
- Text
- [Washington] : Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, [Education Division], Office of Education, 1980.
- 1980
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HE 19.102:L 71/3 Off-site
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