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Displaying 1-36 of 36 results for author "New York (State). Courts."
Abbott New York digest, 2d. [series]
- Text
- Rochester, N. Y., Lawyers' Co-operative Pu. Co. [1954-78]
- 1954-1978
- 75 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KFN5057 .A2 v. 28:Witness to Workmen's Compensation 800 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KFN5057 .A2 v. 28A:Workmen's Compensation 801 to 1821 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KFN5057 .A2 v. 28B:Workmen's Compensation 1822 to Een to Zoning Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
New York supplement.
- Text
- St. Paul, West Pub. Co.
- 1888-present
- 1261 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JBM 98-73 v. 298 (Sept.-Nov. 1937) Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JBM 98-73 v. 299 (Nov.-Dec. 1937) Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JBM 98-73 v. 300 (Dec. 1937-Jan. 1938) Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
A proposed simplified State-wide court system. [Report of the] Subcommittee on Modernization and Simplification of the Court Structure [to the] Temporary Commission on the Courts [of the] State of New York.
- Text
- [New York] 1955.
- 1955
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text F-10 68 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
New York analytical case finder, being a complete classification of the case law of New York as contained in all the New York reports, including the New York supplement and North-eastern reporter.
- Text
- New York, The American law book company, 1926-27.
- 1926-1927
- 6 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 402 v. 4 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 402 v. 5 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 402 v. 6 Offsite A digest of the decisions of all the courts of the State of New York, from the earliest period [1794] to the year 1892.
- Text
- New York, Banks, 1906 [1893]
- 1906-1893
- 4 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 403 v. 2 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 403 v. 3 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AF-10 403 v. 4 Offsite Clevenger's Supreme court practice, being Civil practice act and rules of civil practice of New York, as amended in 1921, and court rules of Court of appeals, appellate divisions, appellate terms and Supreme court, annotated alphabetically to show the precise point decided in every New York and federal reported case relating to present practice, ed. and annotated by Joseph R. Clevenger.
- Text
- New York, J. R. Clevenger, 1921.
- 1921
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XMZ (Clevenger, J. R. Supreme court practice) Offsite Practice in special actions in the courts of record of the state of New York, under the code of civil procedure and statutes, with forms. By J. Newton Fiero.
- Text
- Albany, N.Y., M. Bender, 1897.
- 1897
- 2 Items
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XMZ (Fiero, J. N. Practice in special actions in the courts of record of the state of New York) v. 1 (1897) Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XMZ (Fiero, J. N. Practice in special actions in the courts of record of the state of New York) v. 2 Offsite Practice in special proceedings in the courts of record of the state of New York under the Code of Civil Procedure and Statutes, with forms. By J. Newton Fiero ...
- Text
- Albany, M. Bender, 1899.
- 1899
- 1 Item
Available Online
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Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XMZ (Fiero, J. N. Practice in special proceedings in the courts of record of the state of New York) Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The practice in civil actions in the Courts of record of the state of New York under the Code of civil procedure, by William Rumsey.
- Text
- Albany, N.Y., Banks & Company, 1902-04.
- 1902-1904
- 1 Resource
Available Online's cyclopedia of negligence cases. A century of negligence law, classified according to the facts. Containing all reported negligence cases decided in all the New York state courts from the earliest period (1809), to October 10, 1903. Prepared and ed. by T. F. Hamilton.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis & Company, 1904.
- 1904
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XHA (Hamilton, T. F. Hamilton's cyclopedia of negligence cases) Offsite Wait's Practice at law, in equity and in special proceedings in the courts of record in the state of New York, with appropriate forms.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1912-1914.
- 1912-1914
- 14 Items
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XH (Wait, W. Wait's practice at law) v. 6, 3ed. Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XH (Wait, W. Wait's practice at law) V. 7 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XH (Wait, W. Wait's practice at law) v. 8, 3ed. Offsite A digest of the decisions of the courts of the State of New York : from the earliest period to 1880, embracing not only all the reported cases contained in the regular series of reports, but also those in the Practice reports and the legal periodicals of the day, with a table of overuled and reversed cases / by Frederick C. Brightly.
- Text
- New York : Banks, 1880.
- 1880
- 4 Items
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Brightly, F. C. Digest of the decisions of the courts of the state of New York. 1880) v. 1 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Brightly, F. C. Digest of the decisions of the courts of the state of New York. 1880) v. 2 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Brightly, F. C. Digest of the decisions of the courts of the state of New York. 1880) v. 3 Offsite Abbott's digest of all New York reports : supplement in eight volumes, from January 1st, 1900, to January 1st, 1913, continuing Abbott's digest 1794 to 1900, 13 vols. With table of cases and topical references from 1794 to 1913 / Edited and compiled by Geroge F. Langsdorf.
- Text
- New York : Baker, Voorhis; New York, Rochester : The Lawyers Co-op., 1914-16.
- 1914-1916
- 5 Items
Available Online
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Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York State. Courts. Abbott's cyclopedic digest) v. 17, Suppl. 4 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York State. Courts. Abbott's cyclopedic digest) v. 18, Suppl. 5 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York State. Courts. Abbott's cyclopedic digest) v. 21, Suppl. 8 Offsite A digest of New York decisions, from the earliest period to July, 1878, comprising all the cases to be found in the reports by Abbott, Anthon, Barbour, Bosworth, Bradford, Caines, Clarke, Coleman, Cowen, Daly, Denio, Duer, Edmonds, Edwards, Hall, Hand, Hill, Hilton, Hoffman, Hopkins, Howard, Hun, Johnson, Kerman, Keyes, Lansing, Paige, Parker, Redfield, Robertson, Sandford, Selden, Sheldon, Sickles, Smith, Sweeney, Thompson & Cook, Tiffany, Tucker, Wendell, and Wheeler, and In the City Hall recorder, the code reports and reporter, Lalor's Supplement to Hill & Denio, the New York Legal Observer, &c., together with a table of cases affirmed, reversed, overruled, and otherwise criticised, covering the same period / by Stewart Rapalje.
- Text
- Jersey City : F.D. Linn, 1879.
- 1879
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Rapalje, S. Digest of New York decisions. 1879) Offsite A digest of New York reports, from 1872 to 1876; containing the decisions of all the courts of the state, published during that period. With references to the statutes. Being the second supplement to Clinton & Wait's Digest of New York reports. Volume V / By William Wait.
- Text
- Albany : W. Gould, 1877.
- 1877
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Wait, W. Digest of New York reports. 2. Supplement) Offsite A digest of New York reports. From January, 1869, to 1872. Comprising the decisions of all the courts of this state published during that period. With references to the statutes. Being the first supplement to Clinton and Wait's Digest of N. Y. reports / By William Wait.
- Text
- Albany : W. Gould, 1873.
- 1873
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (Wait, W. Digest of New York reports. 1. Supplement) Offsite New York state tax cases: a convenient collection of unabridged cases from New York and federal courts relating to the corporation franchise and personal income taxes of New York state; decisions date from 1890 up to May, 1926.
- Text
- New York, Prentice-Hall, inc., 1926.
- 1926
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text TIV (Prentice-Hall inc., New York. New York state tax cases) Offsite Supplement to the second and third editions of Voorhies' annotated code, containing all the decisions and rules of court since the publication of the second edition of said code, the assignments of terms, circuits, etc., for the years 1854 and 1855.
- Text
- New York, J. S. Voorhies, 1854.
- 1854
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Text XWZ (New York State. Statutes: Codes. Civil. 1853. Code of procedure. Supplement) Offsite Abbott's digest of all the New York reports ... With tables of statutes, constitutional provisions, and rules of court cited, of cases digested, and of cases affirmed, reversed, etc. A continuation of Abbott's digest 1794 to 1900, and supplements thereto, 1900 to 1924, in a uniform classification.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis & Co., 1884-1928.
- 1883-1929
- 50 Items
Available Online
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Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York) (Abbott's digest of all the New York reports) v. 3 2nd suppl. Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York) (Abbott's digest of all the New York reports) v. 3 3rd suppl. Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York) (Abbott's digest of all the New York reports) v. 4 2nd suppl. Offsite New York annual digest.
- Text
- Rochester, N.Y. : The Lawyer's Co-operative Pub. Co., 1928-
- 1929-1954
- 17 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AM-10 76 1943 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AM-10 76 1944 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text AM-10 76 1945 Offsite New York digest : including all New York cases reported from May 31, 1888, to [1928], as contained in the following reports : New York reports, vols. 109-249*, Northeastern reporter, vols. 15*-162*, Hun's reports, vols. 48*-92, Appellate division, vols. 1-224*, Miscellaneous reports, vols. 1-132*, New York supplement, vols. 1-230 ... / edited by the editorial staff of the American digest system.
- Text
- St. Paul : West Pub. Co., 1915-1928.
- 1915-1928
- 17 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York Digest) v. 13 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York Digest) v. 14 Offsite Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XR (New York Digest) v. 15 Offsite New York cases reported or cited, 1887-1893 : a complete table of reported cases, showing every appeal and whether affirmed, reversed or modified, of cited cases, showing whether overruled, limited, distinguished, criticised, etc., with duplicate references to all current reports / (Supplementing cases cited in previous works of Abbott, Connoly and Haviland.) by Wayland E. Benjamin.
- Text
- New York : Diossy law Book Co., 1893.
- 1893
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text XN (Benjamin, W. New York (State). Courts. New York cases, 1887-1893) Offsite Cyclopedic digest of all the decisions of all the courts of New York.
- Text
- New York : New York law book company [etc.], 1901-04.
- 1901-1904
- 1 Resource
Available Online's Hamilton's digest of negligence cases, classified and arranged alphabetically according to law and facts, containing all important negligence cases decided in all the New York state courts from the earliest period, 1802, to date. By Samuel L. Sargent ...
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis & company, 1928.
- 1928
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 923NY HAM Off-site Carmody-Wait cyclopedia of New York practice; a comprehensive text statement of pleading and practice in civil cases, including motion practice and practice in particular actions and special proceedings authorized by the Civil practice act and by the Consolidated laws, the practice in the Surrogate's Court, and appellate procedure ... By the editorial staff of the publishers.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis; Rochester, Lawyers Co-Operative, 1952-56.
- 1952
- 24 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY CAR v.21 (1956) Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY CAR v.22 (1956) Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY CAR v.23 (1956) Off-site Particular actions and proceedings in the courts of record of the state of New York under the Civil practice act and Consolidated laws; law, practice and forms, by Newton Fiero ... by Arthur F. Curtis.
- Text
- Albany, N. Y., M. Bender & Co., inc., 1921-29.
- 1921-1929
- 6 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY FIE v.2 Court of claims-Matrimonial Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY FIE v.3 Mechanics' liens-summary proc. Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY FIE v.4 Suppl. proceedings-waste; index Off-site Carmody-Wait CPLR tables volume: covering the CPLR and all related statutes, court acts, and court rules discussed in the Carmody-Wait pocket supplements. By the editorial staffs of the publishers.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis; Rochester, Lawyers Co-Operative Pub. Co., 1963.
- 1963
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991NY CAR Off-site Practice in special proceedings in the courts of record of the state of New York, under the code and consolidated laws, with forms. By J. Newton Fiero.
- Text
- Albany, N. Y., M. Bender & company, 1912.
- 1912
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.4NY FIE v.1 p.1-1010 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.4NY FIE v.2 p.1011-2034 Off-site Wait's practice at law, in equity and in particular actions and proceedings in all the courts of record of the state of New York, with appropriate forms.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis & co., 1933-1940.
- 1933-present
- 10 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI v.7 Surrogates' practice Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI v.8 Judgment appeals Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI v.9 Index Off-site Practice in special actions in the courts of record of the state of New York : under the code of civil procedure and statutes, with forms / by J. Newton Fiero.
- Text
- Albany : M. Bender, 1908.
- 1908
- 3 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.4NY FIE Suppl. (1919) Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.4NY FIE v.1 p.1-1096 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.4NY FIE v.2 p.1097-2074 Off-site Practice at law, in equity and in particular actions and proceedings in all the courts of record of the state of New York, with appropriate forms.
- Text
- New York, Baker, Voorhis, 1922-30.
- 1922-1930
- 9 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI v.7 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI v.8 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 990NY WAI 1940 suppl. v.8 Off-site New York state appellate practice and procedure; a practical disquisition of the practice and procedure in the appellate courts of the State of New York, elements of jurisdiction, illustrative forms, rules of practice ... by Joseph G.M. Browne ...
- Text
- Brooklyn, N.Y., Federal Publications, 1932.
- 1932
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text US 991.3NY BRO Off-site An analytical index, of parallel reference to the cases cited in the "New York reports" / by Ch. Francis Stone.
- Text
- New York : Diossy, 1869-
- 1869-present
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KFN5045.6 .S87x 1869 pt.1 Off-site A digest of the cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Court for the Correction of errors : in the state of New-York from January term, 1799, to October term, 1813, inclusive. With the names of the cases, and a table of the titles and references / By William Johnson.
- Text
- Albany : E. F. Backus, 1815.
- 1815
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 7794.501.2 Off-site A digest of the cases decided and reported in the Supreme Court of Judicature and the Court for the Correction of errors : in the state of New-York from January term, 1799, to October term, 1813, inclusive. With the names of the cases, and a table of the titles and references / by William Johnson.
- Text
- Albany : E.F. Backus, 1815.
- 1815
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 7794.501.2 Off-site
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