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Displaying 1-41 of 41 results for author "Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust."
Challenges for change: essays on the next decade in the National Health Service; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, New York, Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JLD 73-1411 Offsite Problems and progress in medical care; essays on current research, seventh series; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by Oxford U. P., 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JSD 74-212 Offsite Policy for action; a symposium on the planning of a comprehensive psychiatric service, edited by Robert Cawley and Gordon McLachlan. Introd. by Keith Joseph.
- Text
- London, New York, published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 75-1042 Offsite Positions, movements, and directions in health services research : the papers and proceedings of a meeting held at Hertford College, Oxford, 1974 / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York : Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1974.
- 1974
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 76-2400 Offsite Roots of evaluation : the epidemiological basis for planning psychiatric services : proceedings of the international symposium held at Mannheim, 26-29 July 1972 / [organised by the] World Psychiatric Association [and the] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Nervenheilkunde ; edited by J. K. Wing and H. Häfner.
- Text
- London; New York : Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 77-1633 Offsite Stress in youth: a five-year study of the psychiatric treatment, schooling, and care of 150 adolescents [by] Mary Capes, Elisabeth Gould, Molly Townsend.
- Text
- London, New York, Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JFD 78-1318 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
In low gear? an examination of Cogwheels: essays by Gordon Forsyth [and others]; with an introduction by Sir John Richardson; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, New York, Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 78-3679 Offsite Patterns of performance in community care: a report of a community mental health services study, by G. F. Rehin and F. M. Martin.
- Text
- London, New York [etc.] Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by Oxford U.P., 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JLD 84-2677 Offsite A Fresh look at policies for health service research and its relevance to management : the report of a Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust Working Party / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 87-833 Offsite The policy of resource allocation and its ramifications : a review / by Calum Paton ; with a preface by Alan Maynard.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 88-3965 Offsite Policies for a crisis? : some aspects of DHSS policies for the care of the aged : a commentary / by Sir Ivor Batchelor.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1984.
- 1984
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 87-1634 Offsite Partnership or prejudice : communication between doctors and those in the other caring professions : a collection of essays by members of a Nuffield Working Party on communication / edited by Sir John Walton and Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1986.
- 1986
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 87-1715 Offsite Improving the common weal : aspects of Scottish health services 1900-1984 / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- Edinburgh [Scotland] : Edinburgh University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1987.
- 1987
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JLD 89-2280 Offsite On caring for the National Health / Sir Kenneth Stowe.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1989.
- 1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JBD 92-436 Offsite Data, information and intelligence [microform] : a statement of needs and opportunities of relevance to the new NHS management procedures : the report of a Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust Working Party / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1985.
- 1985
The NHS : a kaleidoscope of care : conflicts of service and business values / Tony Kember and Gordon Macpherson.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JBD 94-1439 Offsite Dependent territories : the frail elderly and community care / Una Maclean.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1989.
- 1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JFD 95-4666 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Portrait of social work; a study of social services in a northern town, by Barbara N. Rodgers and Julia Dixon.
- Text
- [London] Oxford Univ. Press, 1960.
- 1960
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D-12 6639 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Costing and efficiency in hospitals; a critical survey of costing as an aid to the management of hospitals.
- Text
- London, New York, Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1962.
- 1962
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text D-14 704 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
A thousand families in Newcastle upon Tyne; an approach to the study of health and illness in children, by James Spence [and others]
- Text
- London, New York, Published for Nuffield Foundation and Nuffield Provincial Hospital Trust, by Oxford University Press, 1954.
- 1954
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text SO (Spence, J. Thousand families in Newcastle upon Tyne) Offsite Book and journal services for doctors and nurses : an interim report on a National Book League investigation / by J. E. Morpurgo.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trusts, [1966]
- 1966
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Z675.M4 M76 Off-site Medical history and medical care : a symposium of perspectives arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation / with a pref. by Lord Cohen of Birkenhead; edited by Gordon McLachlan and Thomas McKeown.
- Text
- London ; New York : Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R131.A1 M42 Off-site Problems and progress in medical care; essays on current research, 9th series : the future and present indicatives / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York ; Toronto : published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, by the Oxford University Press, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R111 .P6895 Off-site Psychiatric epidemiology ; proceedings of the international symposium held at Aberdeen University 22-25 July, 1969 / Edited by E. H. Hare and J. K. Wing.
- Text
- London ; New York : Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by Oxford University Press, 1970.
- 1970
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RC435 .S95 1969 Off-site Roots of evaluation : the epidemiological basis for planning psychiatric services : proceedings of the international symposium held at Mannheim, 26-29 July 1972 / [organised by the] World Psychiatric Association [and the] Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychiatrie und Nervenheilkunde ; edited by J. K. Wing and H. Häfner.
- Text
- London ; New York : Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RC439 .S94 Off-site Screening in medical care : reviewing the evidence, a collection of essays / with a preface by Lord Cohen of Birkenhead.
- Text
- London ; New York [etc.] : Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by Oxford U.P., 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA427 .S44 Off-site Positions, movements, and directions in health services research : the papers and proceedings of a meeting held at Hertford College, Oxford, 1974 / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York : Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1974.
- 1974
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA440.6 .P67 Off-site Problems and progress in medical care ; essays on current research, 7th series / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York : published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, by Oxford U.P., 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA395.G6 P64 Off-site Medical education and medical care : a Scottish-American symposium arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the University of Edinburgh Medical School and the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence and founding of the United States of America / papers by Alexander Bearn ... [et al.] ; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York : Oxford University Press for the Trust, 1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA495 M46 1977 Off-site 'Hostels' in hospitals? : The analysis of beds in hospitals by patient dependency / [by] J. S. Meredith [and others].
- Text
- London ; New York [etc.] : published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford U.P., 1968.
- 1968
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RA987.S4 H79 1968 Off-site Patient, doctor, society, a symposium of introspections. Contributors: Ferguson Anderson [and others] Edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, New York, Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, by the Oxford University Press, 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R106 .P27 1972 Off-site Medical history and medical care: a symposium of perspectives arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation; with a pref. by Lord Cohen of Birkenhead; edited by Gordon McLachlan and Thomas McKeown.
- Text
- London, New York, Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1971.
- 1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text R131.A1 M46 1971 Off-site Dependent territories : the frail elderly and community care / Una Maclean.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, [1989], ©1989.
- 1989-1989
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HV1481.G52 M32 1989g Off-site Moving on from mental hospitals to community care : a case study of change in Exeter / David King.
- Text
- London : Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, c1991.
- 1991
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text WM 30.3 K244m 1991 Off-site Medical history and medical care: a symposium of perspectives arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation; with a pref. by Lord Cohen of Birkenhead; edited by Gordon McLachlan and Thomas McKeown.
- Text
- London, New York, Oxford University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, 1971.
- 1971-1971
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text R131.A1M42 Off-site Problems and progress in medical care; essays on current research, 7th series; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, New York, published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, by Oxford U.P., 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA395.G6P64 Off-site Patient, doctor, society, a symposium of introspections. Contributors: Ferguson Anderson [and others] Edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London, New York, Published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, by the Oxford University Press, 1972.
- 1972
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text R106.P32 Off-site Medical education and medical care : a Scottish-American symposium arranged by the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust and the Josiah Macy Jr Foundation to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the founding of the University of Edinburgh Medical School and the bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence and founding of the United States of America / papers by Alexander Bearn [and others] ; edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- London ; New York : Oxford University Press for the Trust, 1977.
- 1977
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text R495.M4 Off-site Medical record linkage; from the Oxford Record Linkage Study and the Unit of Clinical Epidemiology, Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, by E. D. Acheson.
- Text
- London, published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford U.P., 1967.
- 1967
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA409.A25 Off-site Policy for action; a symposium on the planning of a comprehensive psychiatric service, edited by Robert Cawley and Gordon McLachlan. Introd. by Keith Joseph.
- Text
- London, New York, published for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust by the Oxford University Press, 1973.
- 1973
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA790.A1 P65 Off-site Improving the common weal : aspects of Scottish health services, 1900-1984 / edited by Gordon McLachlan.
- Text
- Edinburgh : Published by Edinburgh University Press for the Nuffield Provincial Hospitals Trust, ©1987.
- 1987
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text RA395.G6 I46 1987 Off-site
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