Research Catalog

  • Broadhurst Theater, 235-243 West 44th Street, Manhattan : built 1917-18 ; architect, Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB78Off-site
  • Mark Hellinger Theater (originally Hollywood Theater), 217-239 West 51st Street, Manhattan : built 1929 : architect Thomas Lamb / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1988]
    • 1988
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZM34Off-site
  • Royale Theater, 242-250 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1926-1927 : architect, Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZR81Off-site
  • Booth Theater, first floor interior consisting of the inner lobby, the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony, the upper part of the auditorium, and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 222-232 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1912-13 ; architect, Henry B. Herts / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 2 Items
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    Text Off-site
    Not available - Please for assistance.
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB641Off-site
  • Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, 301-319 Park Avenue (a/k/a 538-556 Lexington Avenue), Borough of Manhattan : built 1929-31; architects Schultze & Weaver (Lloyd Morgan, designer) / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1993]
    • 1993
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZW1477Off-site
  • Anthony Campagna Estate, 640 West 249th Street, the Bronx : architect Dwight James Baum / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1993]
    • 1993
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4B8 ZAn86Off-site
  • Ellis Island Historic District / New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission ; prepared by Anthony Robins, Elisa Urbanelli ; editor Marjorie Pearson.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1993]
    • 1993
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZEl59Off-site
  • Ellis Island, Main Building (interior), second and third story interiors consisting of the two-story Registry Room (Great Hall); and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall surfaces; ceiling surfaces, including the Guastavino tile vaults; floor surfaces; piers; windows; chandeliers and lighting fixtures; balcony railings; and attached furnishings; Ellis Island, Borough of Manhattan / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1993]
    • 1993
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZEl593Off-site
  • Liberty Tower, 55 Liberty Street, Borough of Manhattan : built 1909-10; architect Henry Ives Cobb / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1982]
    • 1982
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZL61Off-site
  • Woolworth Building, 233 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan : built 1911-1913, architect Cass Gilbert / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1983]
    • 1983
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZW8883 Off-site
  • Woolworth Building, first floor interior consisting of the entrance vestibule, the entrance lobby hallway, the intersecting elevator hallways, the lobby extending from the entrance lobby hallway, and the staircases extending from the entrance lobby hallway to the mezzanine (second floor) level; mezzanine (second floor) level interior consisting of the upper part of the entrance lobby hallway and the lobby up to and including the ceiling, the elevator hallways; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, floor surfaces, doors, elevator doors, carvings, mosaics, sculpture, murals, grilles, transom grilles, stained glass skylight, directory boards, mailboxes, wall clock, railings, and lobby shop window enframents; 233 Broadway, Borough of Manhattan : built 1911-1913, architect Cass Gilbert / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1983]
    • 1983
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4 ZW88833Off-site
  • No. 361 Broadway Building (James White Building), Borough of Manhattan : built 1881-1882 : architect W. Wheeler Smith / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1982]
    • 1982
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB7843Off-site
  • Film Center Building, first floor interior consisting of the Ninth Avenue entrance vestibule, the lobby, and the hallway leading from the lobby to the 44th Street entrance, and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, ceiling surfaces, wall surfaces, floor surfaces, mosaics, radiator grilles, elevator doors, mailbox, and directory board; 630 Ninth Avenue, Manhattan : built 1928-29; architect Ely Jacques Kahn / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1982]
    • 1982
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4 ZF48Off-site
  • Brooks Atkinson Theater (originally Mansfield Theater), 256-262 West 47th Street, Manhattan : built 1925-26 : architect Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB79Off-site
  • Ford Foundation Building, 321 East 42nd Street and 320 East 43rd Street, aka 309-325 East 42nd Street and 306-326 East 43rd Street, Borough of Manhattan : built 1963-67 ; architects Eero Saarinen Associates (later Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo Associates / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1997]
    • 1997
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZF75Off-site
    Not available - Please for assistance.
  • Ford Foundation Building, East 42nd Street interior consisting of the revolving door vestibule ... 321 East 42nd Street and 320 East 43rd Street, aka 309-325 East 42nd Street and 306-326 East 43rd Street, Manhattan : built 1963-67 : architects Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo Associates (the successor firm to Eero Saarinen Associates) / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1997]
    • 1997
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZF754Off-site
  • CBS Building, 51 West 52nd Street, aka 51-69 West 52nd Street, 52-66 West 53rd Street, and 1300-1316 Sixth Avenue, Borough of Manhattan : built 1961-64; architects Eero Saarinen & Associates (design completed by Kevin Roche and John Dinkeloo) / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1997]
    • 1997
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZC319Off-site
  • RKO Keith's Flushing Theater, 135-29 - 135-45 Northern Boulevard, Flushing, Queens : built 1927-28, architect Thomas Lamb : [report].

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, 1984.
    • 1984
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4Q3 ZR5Off-site
  • Fitzgerald/Ginsberg Mansion, 145-15 Bayside Avenue, Queens : built 1924 : John Oakman, architect / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [2005]
    • 2005
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    Text AA735 N4Q3 ZF576Off-site
  • Loew's Paradise Theater interior, consisting of the lobby, the foyer, the grand lobby, the main staircase leading from the grand lobby to the promenade level and the area under the staircase, the orchestra seating level of the auditorium, the proscenium area and arch, and the alcoves flanking the proscenium area; the promenade level and upper foyer interior, the men's lounge, the women's lounge, the hallways leading to the mezzanine seating level of auditorium, and the mezzanine seating level of the auditorium; the balcony level interior, consisting of the balcony seating level of the auditorium; all stairways, landings, intermediate lobbies, and elevator lobbies leading to and from the above spaces; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, ticket booths, display cases, framed display boards, columns, pilasters, doors, railings, balustrades, metalwork, mirrors, chandeliers, lighting fixtures, exit signs, attached decorative and sculptural elements; 2405-2419 Grand Concourse (aka 2394-2408 Creston Avenue), Borough of the Bronx : built 1928-29; John Eberson, architect / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [2006]
    • 2006
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4B8 ZL825Off-site
  • Broadhurst Theater, first floor interior consisting of the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony, the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 235-243 West 44th Street, Manhattan : built 1817-18; architect, Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB781Off-site
  • Booth Theater, 222-232 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1912-13 ; architect, Henry Herts / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZB64Off-site
  • Cort Theater, first floor interior consisting of the lobby, the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the first balcony floor; the first balcony floor interior consisting of the first balcony, the upper part of the auditorium; the second balcony floor interior consisting of the second balcony, the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 138-146 West 48th Street, Manhattan : built built 1912-13; architect, Thomas Lamb / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4 ZC811Off-site
  • Golden Theater (originally the Theatre Masque), 252-256 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1926-27; architect, Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4 ZG56Off-site
  • Little Theater (now Helen Hayes Theater), first floor interior consisting of the inner lobby, the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings, and attached decorative elements; 238-244 West 44th Street, Borough of Manhattan : built 1912, architects Ingalls & Hoffman :remodeled 1917-20, architect Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
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    Text AA735 N4 ZH361Off-site
  • Royale Theater, first floor interior consisting of the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony, the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 242-250 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1926-1927 : architect, Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZR811Off-site
  • Eugene O'Neill Theater (originally Forrest Theater), first floor interior consisting of the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony, the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 230-238 West 49th Street, Manhattan : built 1925-26; architect Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZEu43Off-site
  • Henry Miller Theater, 124-130 West 43rd Street, Manhattan : built 1917-18 ; architects, Allen, Ingalls & Hoffman / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZH39Off-site
  • Cort Theater, 138-146 West 48th Street, Manhattan : built 1912-13; architect, Thomas Lamb / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZC81Off-site
  • Golden Theater (originally Theatre Masque), first floor interior consisting of the auditorium, the stage, the staircases leading from the first floor to the balcony floor; the balcony floor interior consisting of the balcony, the upper part of the auditorium and ceiling; and the fixtures and interior components of these spaces, including but not limited to, wall and ceiling surfaces, doors, stair railings and attached decorative elements; 252-256 West 45th Street, Manhattan : built 1926-27; architect Herbert J. Krapp / Landmarks Preservation Commission.

    • Text
    • [New York, N.Y.] : Landmarks Preservation Commission, [1987]
    • 1987
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text AA735 N4 ZG561Off-site

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