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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for author "Shṿarts, Mordekhai ben Yitsḥaḳ Aharon."
Sefer Tevuʼot shor : ha-shalem ṿeha-mefoʼar / she-ḥiber ha-rav ha-gaʼon ha-amiti mo. ha-r. R. Aleksander Sender Shor z. ts. l.l.h.h. b. ha-rav ha-magid mo. ha-r. R. Efrayim Zalman Shor z. ts. l.l.h.h.
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- Monsi - Nu Yorḳ : Tsevi Avigdor Feḳeṭe, [2014- ]
- 2014-present
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Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BM720.S6 S44 2014q k.1 Off-site Sefer Tevuʼot shor : ha-shalem ṿeha-mefoʼar / she-ḥiber ha-rav ha-gaʼon ha-amiti mo. ha-r. R. Aleksander Sender Shor z. ts. l.l.h.h. b. ha-rav ha-magid mo. ha-r. R. Efrayim Zalman Shor z. ts. l.l.h.h.
- Text
- Monsi - Nu Yorḳ : Tsevi Avigdor Feḳeṭe, [2014- ]
- 2014-present
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BM720.S6 S44 2014q Oversize k.1 Off-site
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