Research Catalog

  • Sevkü'l-askeri'l-cedîd der-ahd-i Sultân Mecîd : Yemen 1849 Osmanlı harekatı günlüğü : giriş, metin, tıpkıbasım, çeviriyazı ve sadeleṣtirme = Yemen 1849 diary of Ottoman expedition : introduction, text, transcription and translation into modern Turkish : edited and translated from the unique manuscript Or. Fol. 4066, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin-PK / Mustafa Hami ; edited by/yayına hazirlayan: Mehmet Tütüncü ; translation/sadeleştirme: Cihan Okuyucu ; English introduction/İnglizce giriş: Klaus Kreiser.

    • Text
    • Haarlem SOTA, Türk ve Arap Dünyası Araştırma Merkezi, Research Centre for Turkish and Arabic World, 2017.
    • 2017
    • 1 Item
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    Text DS247.Y47 M86 2017Off-site

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