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Displaying 1-9 of 9 results for author "Stienstra, Donna."
Guide to judicial management of cases in ADR / Robert J. Niemic, Donna Stienstra, Randall E. Ravitz.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Federal Judicial Center, 2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text JBF 06-595 Offsite The Civil Justice Reform Act expense and delay reduction plans : a sourcebook / David Rauma & Donna Stienstra.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. (One Columbus Circle, N.E., Washington 20002-8003) : Federal Judicial Center, 1995.
- 1995
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JU 13.2:C 49/2 Off-site ADR and settlement in the federal district courts : a sourcebook for judges & lawyers : a joint project of the Federal Judicial Center and the CPR Institute for Dispute Resolution / Elizabeth Plapinger, Donna Stienstra ; with the assistance of Laural Hooper & Melissa Pecherski.
- Text
- Washington, DC (One Columbus Circle, N.E., Washington, 20002-8003) : Federal Judicial Center, Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JU 13.2:AL 7 Off-site Guide to the judicial management of cases in ADR / Robert J. Neimic, Donna Stienstra Randall E. Ravitz.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Federal Judicial Center, 2001.
- 2001
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JU 13.8:J 88/2 Off-site Judge's deskbook on court ADR / editors, Elizabeth Plapinger, Margaret L. Shaw, Donna Stienstra.
- Text
- New York, NY : Center for Public Resources/CPR Legal Program, c1993.
- 1993
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KF9084.A75 N38x 1993 Off-site ADR handbook for judges / edited by Donna Stienstra and Susan M. Yates.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution, c2004.
- 2004
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KF9084.A75 A37x 2004 Off-site ADR and settlement in the federal district courts : a sourcebook for judges & lawyers / Elizabeth Plapinger, Donna Stienstra with the assistance of Laural Hooper & Melissa Pecherski.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Federal Judicial Center, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text JU 13.2:AL 7 Off-site Deciding cases without argument : an examination of four courts of appeals / Joe S. Cecil and Donna Stienstra.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Federal Judicial Center, 1987.
- 1987
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Ju 13.10:87-5 Off-site Deciding cases without argument : a description of procedures in the courts of appeals / by Joe Cecil and Donna Stienstra.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Federal Judicial Center, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Ju 13.10:85-9 Off-site
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