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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "Unesco. Middle East Science Cooperation Office."
Travaux de sciences sociales : liste bibliographique...des publications de sciences sociales du Moyen-Orient = Social sciences publications : bibliographical list ...of social sciences papers published in the Middle East / Middle East Science Cooperation Office.
- Text
- Cairo : The Office
- 19-
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text M-10 1991 v. 3-4 Offsite Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt and papers received from Afghanistan, Cyprus, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Syria. : Résumés analytiques des travaux scientifiques et techniques publiés en Egypte et travaux reçus de l'Afghanistan, Arabie Séoudite, Chypre, Iran, Irak, Jordanie, Liban, Pakistan, Soudan et Syrie.
- Text
- Cairo : National Research Centre of Egypt [etc.]
- 1955-1959
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text OAB (Egypt. Scientific and technical documentation centre. Bulletin. Pt. 2. Abstracts of scientific and technical papers published in Egypt) no. 1-3 (July 1955-Jan. 1957) Offsite Travaux de sciences sociales : liste bibliographique...des publications de sciences sociales du Moyen-Orient = Social sciences publications : bibliographical list ...of social sciences papers published in the Middle East / / Middle East Science Cooperation Office.
- Text
- Cairo : The Office
- 19
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Z7161 .T73 no.3-4 (1954) Off-site A laboratory manual on abnormal haemoglobins, prepared under the direction of J. H. P. Jonxis and T. H. J. Huisman for the Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences and the Middle East Science Co-operation Office of UNESCO.
- Text
- Springfield, Ill. Thomas, 1958.
- 1958
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text RB145 .J73 1958 Off-site Proceedings of the Regional Symposium on Insect Resistance to Insecticides / [held] ll-13 May 1959, Cairo, U.A.R.
- Text
- [Cairo, U.A.R.] : Unesco Middle East Science Cooperation Office, 1960.
- 1960
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text SB951 .R26 1959 Off-site
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