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Displaying 1-15 of 15 results for author "Zuḥaylī, Wahbah."
Ittifāqīyāt al-qaḍāʼ ʻalá ashkāl al-tamyīz ḍidda al-marʼah fī mīzān al-sharīʻah al-Islāmīyah / ishrāf U.D. Jaʻfar ʻAbd al-Salām, al-amīn al-ʻām li-Rābiṭat al-Jāmiʻāt al-Islāmīyah ; taʼlīf U.D. Wahbah Muḥammad al-Zuḥaylī, U.D. Maḥmūd Aḥmad Ghāzī, U.D. Ibrāhīm Muḥammad al-ʻInānī, U.D. Muḥammad Ḥasan al-Qāsimī, U.D. Muḥyī al-Dīn ʻAshmāwī, U.D. Maḥmūd al-Sayyid Dāwud.
- Text
- [al-Qāhirah] : Dār al-Kalimah lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ, 2015.
- 2015
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP173.4 .I88 2015 Off-site Tajdīd al-fiqh al-Islāmī / Jamāl ʻAṭīyah, Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Bayrūt : Dār al-Fikr al-Muʻāṣir, 2000.
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBL .A9168 2000g Off-site al-Waṣf fī al-Qurʼān al-karīm / iʻdād Yūnus Jāsim ; bi-ishrāf Ṣubḥī al-Ṣāliḥ ; taqdīm Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq, Sūrīyah : Dār al-Maktabī, 1995.
- 1995
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP130.73 .J374 1995 Off-site Manhaj al-tarbiyah fī al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah / ʻUmar Aḥmad ʻUmar ; rājaʻahu wa-qaddama la-hu Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq, Sūriyah : Dār al-Maʻrifah, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text LC904.U427 1996 Off-site al-Buyūʻ al-shāʼiʻah wa-athar ḍawābiṭ al-mabīʻ ʻalá sharʻīyatihā / Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān al-Būṭī ; bi-ishrāf Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī ; qaddama la-hu Muḥammad Saʻīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī.
- Text
- Dimashq : Dār al-Fikr, 1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBL.B8744 1998 Off-site al-Usrah al-muslimah fī al-ʻālam al-muʻāṣir / Wahbah al-Zuḥayli.
- Text
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP188.3.F3Z94 2000 Off-site Ḥaqq al-ḥurrīyah fī al-ʻālam / Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- 2000
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP190.5.F7 Z843 2000 Off-site al-Tafsīr al-wasīṭ / Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- 2000
- 3 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP130.4.Z84 2000 juz 3 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP130.4.Z84 2000 juz 2 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP130.4.Z84 2000 juz 1 Off-site al-Ijārah al-muntahīyat bi-al-tamlīk fī al-fiqh al-Islāmī : dirāsat muqāranah / taʼlīf Ghassān Muḥammad al-Shaykh ; taqdīm Wahbah Muṣṭafá al-Zuḥaylī, ʻAlī Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Qarah Dāghī, Muḥammad Muṣṭafá al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq : Dār al-Qalam, 2010.
- 2010
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBP892.5 .S53 2010 Off-site al-Taṣwīr : bayna ḥājat al-ʻaṣr wa-ḍawābiṭ al-sharīʻah / Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān al-Būṭī ; qaddama la-hu Muḥammad Saʻīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī, Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq, Sūriyā : Yuṭlabu min Maktabat al-Fārābī, 1994.
- 1994
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBL .B8746 1994 Off-site al-Waṣf fī al-Qurʼān al-karīm / iʻdād Yūnus Jāsim ; bi-ishrāf Ṣubḥī al-Ṣāliḥ ; taqdīm Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq, Sūrīyah : Dār al-Maktabī, 1995.
- 1995
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BP130.73 .J374 1995 Off-site Manhaj al-tarbiyah fī al-Qurʼān wa-al-Sunnah / ʻUmar Aḥmad ʻUmar ; rājaʻahu wa-qaddama la-hu Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq, Sūriyah : Dār al-Maʻrifah, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text LC904 .U427 1996 Off-site al-Buyūʻ al-shāʼiʻah wa-athar ḍawābiṭ al-mabīʻ ʻalá sharʻīyatihā / Muḥammad Tawfīq Ramaḍān al-Būṭī ; bi-ishrāf Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī ; qaddama la-hu Muḥammad Saʻīd Ramaḍān al-Būṭī.
- Text
- Dimashq : Dār al-Fikr, 1998.
- 1998
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBL .B8744 1998 Off-site ʻAqd al-muddah fī al-ijārāt al-sakanīyah : dirāsah ijtimāʻīyah fī ḍawʼ al-tashrīʻ al-Islāmī / taʼlīf Aḥmad Muḥammad Abū Ḍāhir ; taqdīm Wahbah al-Zuḥaylī, Muḥammad Fārūq al-ʻAkkām.
- Text
- Dimashq : Manshūrāt Dār al-Ḥasanayn, 1996.
- 1996
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBL .A382 1996 Off-site al-Ijārah al-muntahīyat bi-al-tamlīk fī al-fiqh al-Islāmī : dirāsat muqāranah / taʼlīf Ghassān Muḥammad al-Shaykh ; taqdīm Wahbah Muṣṭafá al-Zuḥaylī, ʻAlī Muḥyī al-Dīn al-Qarah Dāghī, Muḥammad Muṣṭafá al-Zuḥaylī.
- Text
- Dimashq : Dār al-Qalam, 2010.
- 2010
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KBP892.5 .S53 2010 Off-site
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