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Displaying 1-2 of 2 results for author "880-01 Tōkyō Daigaku. Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo."
Tōkyō Daigaku Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo shozō Shinchō kenchiku zuyō zuroku / Ōta Shōichi, Inoue Naomi hencho = Chinese architectural and construction drawings from the Qing dynasty, in the collections of the Institute of Oriental Culture at the University of Tokyo / edited by Ota Shoichi and Inoue Naomi.
- Text
- Tōkyō : Tōkyō Daigaku Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo, 2005.
- 2005
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text NA2750 .T65 2005 Off-site Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo zō Yamamoto shōzōkan tō satsuei Chūgoku shiseki shashin mokuroku / Hirase Takao, Utsunomiya Miki, Nokubo Masatsugu hen ; kyōryoku : Kyōto Daigaku Jinbun Kagaku Kenkyūka kyōju Okamura Hidenori, Tōkyō Daigaku Daigakuin Kōgakukei Kenkyūka kyōju Fujii Keisuke = A catalogue of the Tobunken collection of "Chinese historical sites photos" formerly owned by Old Peking Yamamoto photo studio / edited by Hirase Takao, Utsunomiya Miki and Nokubo Masatsugu; with the cooperation of Okamura Hidenori, Professor, Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University and Fujii Keisuke, Professor, School of Engineering The University of Tokyo.
- Text
- Tōkyō : Tōkyō Daigaku Tōyō Bunka Kenkyūjo Fuzoku Tōyōgaku Kenkyū Jōhō Sentā, 2017.
- 2017
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Z7137 T652 2017 Off-site
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