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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "British Museum (Natural History). Department of Botany."
Guide to Mr. Worthington Smith's drawings of field and cultivated mushrooms and poisonous or worthless fungi often mistaken for mushrooms. Exhibited in the Department of Botany, British Museum (Natural History).
- Text
- London, Printed by order of the Trustees, 1910.
- 1910
Catalogue of the African plants / collected by Dr. Friedrich Welwitsch in 1853-61 ...
- Text
- London : Printed by order of the Trustees, 1896-1901.
- 1896-1901
- 6 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 581.96 B77 v.1:pt.3 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 581.96 B77 v.1:pt.2 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 581.96 B77 v.1:pt.1 Off-site Catalogue of the vascular plants of S. Tomé : (with Principe and Annobon) / by Arthur Wallis Exell ... and other members of the department. With three maps and twenty-six figures.
- Text
- London : Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum, 1944.
- 1944
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 581.96 B777 Off-site A monograph of the British lichens: a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Department of botany, British museum ... By Annie Lorrain Smith ...
- Text
- London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museum, 1918, '11.
- 1911-1918
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 589.1 B777 pt.1 Off-site Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 589.1 B777 pt.2 Off-site A monograph of the Mycetozoa ; a descriptive catalogue of the species in the Herbarium of the British museum / by Arthur Lister ...
- Text
- London : Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museum, 1925.
- 1925
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 589.29 B7771 Off-site
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