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Displaying 1-6 of 6 results for author "Church of Scotland."
The first book of discipline [of the Church of Scotland]; with introduction and commentary by James K. Cameron.
- Text
- Edinburgh, St. Andrew Press, 1972.
- 1972-1621
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text BX9078.C48 1972 Off-site Register of ministers, exhorters and readers, and of their stipends, after the period of the reformation.
- Text
- Edinburgh, 1830.
- 1830
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 5512.254 Off-site The confession of faith : the larger and shorter catechisms, with the scripture-proofs at large, together with the sum of saving knowledge, (contained in the Holy scriptures, and held forth in the said confession and catechisms,) and practical use thereof : covenants, national and solemn league; acknowledgement of sins, and engagement to duties, directories for public and family worship; form of church government, &c., of publick authority in the Church of Scotland; with acts of Assembly and Parliament, relative to, and approbative of, the same.
- Text
- Edinburgh : Printed by D. Hunter Blair and M.S. Tyndall Bruce, 1845.
- 1845
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 5666.254.13 Off-site The Confession of faith, the Larger and Shorter catechisms, with the Scripture-proofs at large. Together with the Sum of saving knowledge (contain'd in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said Confession and Catechisms) and Practical use thereof, Covenants national and Solemn league, Acknowledgement of sins and Engagement to duties, Directories, Form of church-government, & c. Of publick authority in the Church of Scotland. With Acts of Assembly and Parliament, relative to, and approbative of, the same.
- Text
- Glasgow, J. Know, 1752.
- 1752
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 5666.254 Off-site The Confession of faith : the larger and shorter catechisms, with the scripture-proofs at large, together with the sum of saving knowledge, (contained in the Holy Scriptures, and held forth in the said confession and catechisms,) and practical use thereof, covenants, National and Solemn League, acknowledgement of sins and engagement to duties, directories for publick and family worship, form of church government, &c., of publick authority in the Church of Scotland, with acts of Assembly and Parliament, relative to, and approbative of, the same.
- Text
- Philadelphia : William S. Young, 1838.
- 1838
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 5666.254.14 Off-site Memorial submitted to Her Majesty's government / by the Rev. George Cook, D.D. ; and a committee, appointed at a meeting of ministers, elders, and others, members of the Church of Scotland, held at Edinburgh, 12th August 1840 ; with improvements, annotations, & strictures, by a Non-intrusionist.
- Text
- Edinburgh : Bell & Bradfute ; London : Nisbet & Co. ... and James Ridgway, 1842.
- 1842
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