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Displaying 1-40 of 40 results for author "Congress of Industrial Organizations."
B-B-H, an evil bill : analysis of the Ball-Burton-Hatch Bill.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [194-]
- 1979-1940
Industrial unionism : the vital problem of organized labor / Committee for Industrial Organization.
- Text
- Washington : The Committee, [1935?]
- 1979-1935
CIO resolutions on foreign policy / CIO 11th Constitutional Convention, Cleveland, Ohio, October 31-November 4, 1949.
- Text
- Washington : CIO Publications Department, [1949?]
- 1979-1949
Industrial unions mean unity : our answer to President Green / Committee for Industrial Organization.
- Text
- Washington : The Committee, [1936?]
- 1979-1936
The CIO and the Negro worker.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [193-]
- 1979-1930
The CIO defense plan / by Philip Murray, president, Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1940?]
- 1979-1940
Planning for democratic defense : questions and answers on the CIO defense plan proposed by president Philip Murray.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1941?]
- 1979-1941
Free labor means victory : slave labor means defeat / Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : CIO, [1941?]
- 1979-1941
Fair wages, fair taxes, union security : labor's way to victory / Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : CIO, [1942?]
- 1979-1942
The CIO and labor unity.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1942?]
- 1979-1942
The CIO and the Negro worker : together for victory.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1942?]
- 1979-1942
CIO's victory program : win-the-war policies and actions adopted at the Vth CIO Convention, Boston, Mass., November, 1942.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1942?]
- 1979-1942
The road to victory : C.I.O.'s 1943 legislative program presented to the Special Legislative Conference of the CIO, January, 1943 / by Philip Murray, president, CIO.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1943?]
- 1979-1943
Resolutions of the Sixth CIO Convention.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1943?]
- 1979-1943
How high is up? : the truth about the cost of living.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?]
- 1979-1944
5,000,000 jobs in world trade : the promise of Bretton Woods.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?].
- 1979-1944
The CIO-AFL no-raiding agreement.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1954.
- 1979-1954
Report on Congress : the CIO looks at the 83rd Congress.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1954.
- 1979-1954
Official reports on the expulsion of Communist dominated organizations from the CIO.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1954.
- 1979-1954
Human dignity, a legacy to labor : a tribute from the officers and members of the CIO to Philip Murray and Allan Haywood, two great Americans, two great leaders of labor.
- Text
- Washington : Philip Murray Memorial Foundation, 1953.
- 1979-1953
Resolutions of the Seventh CIO Convention : complete text of resolutions passed by the Seventh CIO Convention, Chicago, Illinois, November 20-25, 1944.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?]
- 1979-1944
Everybody's business : World plans for peace and security.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1945?]
- 1979-1945
Report on world unity / by CIO delegates to the World Federation of Trade Unions, Paris, 1945.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1945?]
- 1979-1945
Report of the CIO delegation to the Soviet Union / by James B. Carey, secretary - treasurer, CIO, chairman of the delegation.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1945?]
- 1979-1945
To the farmer from his customers / Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : CIO Dept. of Education and Research, [1948?]
- 1979-1948
Are you going to be drafted? : your rights and duties under the 1948 selective service act.
- Text
- Washington, : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1948?]
- 1979-1948
Report of the Resolutions Committee, Tenth Constitutional Convention of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, Portland, Oregon, November 22-26, 1948.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1948?]
- 1979-1948
Democracy means fair employment practices.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1951?]
- 1979-1951
Ephemera, 1936-1954.
- Text
- 1979
The CIO and the war : presenting speeches, reports and resolutions adopted on the question of American labor's attitude toward the European war at the San Francisco convention of the Congress of Industrial Organizations, October 10-13, 1939.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1939.
- 1979-1939
Conspiracy against labor : full proof of the plot by William Green of the AFL and agents of the most anti-labor corporations in America to destroy the Wagner act : with 17 letters between AFL officials and big business lawyers on crippling amendments to the act.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1940.
- 1979-1940
Save the Wagner act : your union and your jobs are at stake : what the Norton and Smith amendments would do to destroy unions and rob labor of its rights and what to do about it.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1940.
- 1979-1940
Security for the people.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1940.
- 1979-1940
CIO's tax program, tax wealth, not wages.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1941.
- 1979-1941
Procedure and preparation : of cases before the National War Labor Board.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Legal Dept., Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1942.
- 1979-1942
The CIO case for substantial pay increases / by Philip Murray, president Congress of Industrial Organizations, November, 1945.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1945.
- 1979-1945
Statement from John L. Lewis, chairman of the Committee for Industrial Organization.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C. : Committee for Industrial Organization, 1937]
- 1979-1937
CIO national and international unions, March 18, 1953.
- Text
- [s.l. : s.n., 1953]
- 1979-1953
Procedure and preparation of cases before the National War Labor Board.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1942.
- 1942
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD5504.A3 C6 1942 Off-site The C.I.O., what it is and how it came to be. A brief history of the Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington, DC : CIO, 1939.
- 1939
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD8055.C75 A43 1939 Off-site
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