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Displaying 1-35 of 35 results for author "Congress of Industrial Organizations. Dept. of Education and Research."
For the nation's security.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1943?]
- 1979-1943
Political primer for all Americans / Dept. of Research and Education.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1943?]
- 1979-1943
Labor and education : our greatest resource, don't sell them short / [CIO Dept. of Research and Education].
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?]
- 1979-1944
Good shelter for everyone / Dept. of Research and Education.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?]
- 1979-1944
Steel fights for the nation / [Dept. of Research and Education].
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1944?]
- 1979-1944
Labor and religion / Dept. of Research and Education, Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : CIO, 1944.
- 1979-1944
CIO's two-way drive for social security.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1948?]
- 1979-1948
The CIO : what it is and what it does.
- Text
- Washington : Dept. of Research and Education, 1953.
- 1979-1953
What's behind the drive for 'right to work' laws? / CIO Dept. of Education and Research.
- Text
- Washington : The Dept., [1955?].
- 1979-1955
Guaranteed wages the year round.
- Text
- Washington : Dept. of Research and Education, Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1945?]
- 1979-1945
Letters to dad / [Kermit Eby] ; illustrations and layout by David Jack.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1945?]
- 1979-1945
America's logjam, and how to break it / CIO Dept. of Research and Education.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organization, [1946]
- 1979-1946
Raise wages, not prices! / CIO Dept. of Education and Research.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1947.
- 1979-1947
Healthy soil, healthy people.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1948?]
- 1979-1948
Who's doing the saving?
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1952?]
- 1979-1952
CIO says the odds are up to you for peace and security in the world.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1955?]
- 1979-1955
Your rights under state and local fair employment practices laws.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1953?]
- 1979-1953
Government by minority : the case for federal and state reapportionment.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, [1953?]
- 1979-1953
The shop steward : key to a strong union / CIO Dept. of Education and Research.
- Text
- Washington : The Dept., [1953?]
- 1979-1953
Progress toward guaranteed wages and employment.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1955?]
- 1979-1955
U.S. and Canadian union members trade views with Scandinavian workers / CIO Dept. of Education and Research.
- Text
- Washington : The Dept., 1954.
- 1979-1954
Wage policy in our expanding economy / Dept. of Education and Research, Congress of Industrial Organizations.
- Text
- Washington : The Dept., [1952?]
- 1979-1952
State taxes hit low incomes unfairly.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, 1953.
- 1979-1953
Meeting the attacks on old age security.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1953?]
- 1979-1953
Keep our nation prosperous.
- Text
- Washington : Congress of Industrial Organizations, Dept. of Education and Research, [1952?]
- 1979-1952
For UPWA-CIO stewards and committeemen ... / prepared by CIO Department of Research and Education.
- Text
- Chicago : United Packinghouse Workers of America, CIO, [1929?]
- 1979-1929
For UPWA-CIO stewards and committeemen / prepared by CIO Dept. of Research and Education.
- Text
- Chicago : United Packinghouse Workers of America, CIO, [194-?]
- 1979-1940
To the farmer from his customers.
- Text
- [Washington?] : CIO Dept. of Education and Research, [1949?]
- 1979-1949
Union Hall Bookshelf.
- Text
- [Washington : CIO Dept. of Research and Education, 1944]
- 1979-1944
- Text
- Washington : Dept. of Education and Research Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1945.
- 1979-1945
- Text
- Washington : Dept. of Education and Research, Congress of Industrial Organizations, 1945.
- 1979-1945
Should labor have a direct share in management?
- Text
- Washington : CIO Dept. of Education and Research, [1946]
- 1979-1946
How big is big business?
- Text
- Washington : CIO Dept. of Education and Research, [1947?]
- 1979-1947
Unions and co-ops.
- Text
- Washington ; Congress of Industrial Organization, Dept. of Research and Education, 1947.
- 1979-1947
Homes for people: jobs for prosperity: planes for peace.
- Text
- Washington, D.C., 1949.
- 1949
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