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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for author "Curreri, Peter A."
Real-time X-ray transmission microscopy of solidifying Al-In alloys [microform] / Peter A. Curreri and William F. Kaukler.
- Text
- [Washington, DC : National Aeronautics and Space Administration ; Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1997]
- 1997
The feasibility of low-G grey solidification of nodular iron in the F-104 experimental furnace package [microform] / by P.A. Curreri, G.A. Smith, and G. Workman.
- Text
- Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala. : George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, [1983]
- 1983
The effects of gravity level during directional solidification on the microstructure of hypermonotectic Al-In-Sn alloys [microform] / P.A. Curreri and W.F. Kaukler.
- Text
- [Marshall Space Flight Center, Ala.] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Space Flight Center, [1986]
- 1986
- 1 Resource
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