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Displaying 1-29 of 29 results for author "Dzhermolinska, Helen."
Choreography without tears.
- Text
- 1947
A brace of musicals.
- Text
- 1947
Pages from a Spanish adventure.
- Text
- 1948
You must see Amaya.
- Text
- 1941
Y[ou]r Pal Joey; Gene Kelly.
- Text
- 1941
A Yankee preface.
- Text
- 1942
A festival at Jacob's Pillow.
- Text
- 1942
Enter the Dance Players.
- Text
- 1942
Blueprint for a ballet.
- Text
- 1951
From Olympus to Broadway.
- Text
- 1951
Ballet d'Action in 1950.
- Text
- 1950
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