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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for author "Gregory, R. G."
The slide into mass unemployment : labour market theories, facts, and policies / R.G. Gregory.
- Text
- [Canberra] : Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia, 1982.
- 1982
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD5701.5 .G74x 1982 Off-site Equal pay and comparable worth : what can the U.S. learn from the Australian experience? / R.G. Gregory and V. Ho.
- Text
- Canberra, Australia : Centre for Economic Policy Research, Australian National University, 1985.
- 1985
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text HD6061.2.A8 G73 x, 1985 Off-site Can economic theory explain why Australian women are so well paid relative to their U.S. counterparts? / R.G. Gregory and A.E. Daly.
- Text
- Canberra : Australian National University, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1990.
- 1990
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Hidden and other measures of unemployment in Australia, 1964-1972 / by R.G. Gregory and P.J. Sheehan.
- Text
- Bedford Park, S.A. : Institute of Labour Studies, Flinders University of South Australia, [1974]
- 1974
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text IR-7417 Off-site
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