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Displaying 1-4 of 4 results for author "Hahne, David E. (David Edgar)"
Full-scale semispan tests of a business-jet wing with a natural laminar flow airfoil [microform] / David E. Hahne and Frank L. Jordan, Jr.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Program ; Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service, 1991.
- 1991
- 1 Resource
Available Online static and dynamic force tests of a generic supersonic cruise fighter configuration [microform] / David E. Hahne.
- Text
- [Washington, DC] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Office of Management, Scientific and Technical Information Division ; Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service, 1989.
- 1989
- 1 Resource
Available Online low-speed wind-tunnel study of concepts designed to improve aircraft stability and control at high angles of attack [microform] / by David Edgar Hahne.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C. : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1985]
- 1985
Evaluation of the low-speed stability and control characteristics of a Mach 5.5 Waverider concept / David E. Hahne.
- Text
- Hampton, Virginia : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, May 1997.
- 1997-5
- 1 Resource
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