Research Catalog

  • The regulator [electronic resource] : or, a discovery of the Thieves, Thief-Takers, and Locks, alias receivers of stolen goods in and about the city of London. With the thief-takers proclamation. Also An Account of all the Flash Words now in Vogue amongst the Thieves; with an Explanation of each Word. With an exact List of the Corvicts Names that was Condemn'd in the Year 1717. that now lies in Newgate to Plead to his Majesty's Transportation Pardon. By a prisoner in Newgate.

    • Text
    • London : printed for T. Warner, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1718]
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online
  • A true discovery of the conduct of receivers and thief-takers in and about the City of London [electronic resource] : to the multiplication, and encouragement of thieves, house-breakers, and other loose and disorderly persons. Design'd as Preparatory to a larger Treatise, wherein shall be propos'd Methods to extirpate and suppress for the future such villanous Practices. Humbly Dedicated to the Lord-Mayor, Aldermen and Common-Council. By Charles Hitchin, One of the Marshals of the City of London.

    • Text
    • London : printed for the author, and given away gratis, 1718.
    • 1718
    • 1 Resource

    Available Online

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