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Displaying 1-3 of 3 results for author "Museum of Modern Art (New York, N.Y.). International Program."
The new American painting : [exhibition] 24 February-22 March 1959 [at] Tate Gallery, London / organized by the International Program of the Museum of Modern Art, New York ; under the auspices of the International Council at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
- Text
- [London?] : Arts Council of Great Britain, 1959.
- 1959
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 4258 N53m Off-site Die neue amerikanische Malerei. [Ausstellung] Kunsthalle Basel 19. April bis 26. Mai 1958.
- Text
- [Basel, 1958]
- 1958
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 4258 N53ma 1958 Off-site The new American painting, as shown in eight European countries, 1958-1959; [exhibition] organized by the International Program of the Museum of Modern Art, New York, under the auspices of the International Council at the Museum of Modern Art, New York.
- Text
- New York, Museum of Modern Art; distributed by Doubleday, Garden City, N.Y. [1959]
- 1959
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text ND212 .N526 Off-site
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