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Displaying 1-7 of 7 results for author "Oswald, Fred B."
Effect of operating conditions on gearbox noise [microform] / Fred B. Oswald ... [et. al].
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center : U.S. Army Aviation Systems Command ; [Springfield, Va. : For sale by the National Technical Information Service, 1992]
- 1992
Dynamic analysis of spur gear transmissions (DANST) [microform] : PC version 3.00 user manual / Fred B. Oswald, Hsiang Hsi Lin, Irebert R. Delgado.
- Text
- [Washington, DC] : National Aeronautics and Space Administration : U.S. Army Research Laboratory ; [Springfield, Va. : National Technical Information Service, distributor, 1996]
- 1996
Space Shuttle rudder/speed brake actuator, a case study : probabilistic fatigue life and reliability analysis / Fred B. Oswald, Michael Savage, Erwin V. Zaretsky.
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, July 2015.
- 2015-7
- 1 Resource
Available Online of roller geometry on roller bearing load-life relation / Fred B. Oswald and Erwin V. Zaretsky, Joseph V. Poplawski.
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, December 2015.
- 2015-12
- 1 Resource
Available Online between residual and hoop stresses and rolling bearing fatigue life / Fred B. Oswald and Erwin V. Zaretsky, Joseph V. Poplawski.
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, December 2015.
- 2015-12
- 1 Resource
Available Online analysis of spur gear transmissions (DANST) : PC version 3.00 user manual / Fred B. Oswald, Hsiang Hsi Lin, Irebert R. Delgado.
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Lewis Research Center ; Adelphi, Maryland : U.S. Army Research Laboratory, August 1996.
- 1996-8
- 1 Resource
Available Online of internal clearance on load distribution and life of radially loaded ball and roller bearings / Fred B. Oswald and Erwin V. Zaretsky, Joseph V. Poplawski.
- Text
- Cleveland, Ohio : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Glenn Research Center, [2012]
- 2012
- 1 Resource
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