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Displaying 1-30 of 30 results for author "Person of quality."
A modest account of the present posture of affairs in England : with particular reference to the Earl of Shaftsbury's case ; and a vindication of him from two pretended letters of a Noble Peer / by a Person of Quality.
- Text
- London : Printed for Richard Baldwin, 1682.
- 1682
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text BAC+ p.v. 128 no. 1- 7 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
A full account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd. In two letters. Written by a person of quality to a kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland.
- Text
- London, Printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1701.
- 1701
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *KC 1701 (Full account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd) Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 8-*KC 1701 (Full account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd) Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
A full account of the actions of the late famous pyrate, Capt. Kidd [electronic resource] : with the proceedings against him, and a vindication of the Right Honourable Richard Earl of Bellomont ...
- Text
- Dublin : Re-Printed for Matthew Gunn ..., 1701.
- 1701
- 1 Resource
Available Online essay towards advancing the interest of the establish'd church and state, [electronic resource] : Humbly offered, in Several Considerations, to the Queen, And Both Houses of Parliament. By a Person of Quality.
- Text
- London : printed for J. Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1708.
- 1708
- 1 Resource
Available Online [electronic resource] : or, the decree of Jupiter, collected from facts. By a person of quality.
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed for the benefit of the ladies, and sold by the Booksellers, M.DCC.LXXV. [1775]
- 1775
- 1 Resource
Available Online tale of a nettle. [electronic resource] : Written by a person of quality.
- Text
- Cambridge : printed in the year, 1710.
- 1710
- 1 Resource
Available Online wrongheads [electronic resource] : a poem. Inscrib'd to Mr. Pope. By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for T. Astley at the Rose over against the North Door of St. Paul's; and sold by R. Wellington without Temple-Bar, MDCCXXXIII. [1733]
- 1733
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renown'd Q. Elizabeth, and Earl of Essex. [electronic resource] : By a person of quality.
- Text
- Cologne [i.e. London] : printed for Will with the Wisp, 1767.
- 1767
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renown'd Q. Elizabeth, and Earl of Essex. [electronic resource] : By a person of quality.
- Text
- Cologne [i.e. London] : printed for Will with the Wisp, 1761.
- 1761
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renown'd Q. Elizabeth, and the E. of Essex. [electronic resource] : By a person of quality.
- Text
- Cologne [i.e. London] : printed for Will with the Wisp [i.e. James Hodges, 1740?]
- 1740
- 1 Resource
Available Online history of the most renowned Queen Elizabeth, [electronic resource] : and her great favourite the Earl of Essex.
- Text
- Newcastle : printed by J. White, [1765?]
- 1765
- 1 Resource
Available Online young lady's companion; or, beauty's looking-glass. [electronic resource] : Consisting of infalible rules for improving the natural charms ofthe fair sex, to such Advantage, as to put it in the Power of every Woman to render herself amiable both to God and Man. Being Instructions to Female Youth in what Manner to govern themselves in Respect to Religion; the Choice of a Husband; the Management of a House, Family and Children; Rules for their General Behaviour and Conversation; what Kind of Friendships to contract; how and when to censure properly; Cautions against Vanity and Affectation; the Folly and Decency of Pride; the Use and Abuse of Diversions; and the Beauty and Advantages of Virtue in every Station and Circumstance of Life. In a letter of advice from a father to his daughter, after the Decease of her Mother. Written by a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed and sold by the booksellers of Londo[n] and Westminster, 1740.
- 1740
- 1 Resource
Available Online discourse concerning the character of a gentleman: by a person of quality [electronic resource].
- Text
- Edinburgh : printed by William Brown and John Mosman, and sold by the said W. Brown. An. do, MDCCXVI. [1716]
- 1716
- 1 Resource
Available Online essay concerning the original of society, government, religion and laws, especially those of the penal kind. By a person of quality [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for J. Clark and R. Hett at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside; J. Oswald at the Bible in White's-Alley, Chancery-Lane; and sold by J. Roberts near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727]
- 1727
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renowned Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Essex [electronic resource] : By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for R. Wellington, at the Dolphin and Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1708. Where you may be furnish'd with all sorts of Plays, [1708]
- 1708
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renowned Queen Elizabeth and the Earl of Essex. [electronic resource] : By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for Will with the wisp, [1730?]
- 1730
- 1 Resource
Available Online history of Queen Elizabeth, and her great favorite the Earl of Essex [electronic resource] : Part the first.
- Text
- [London] : Printed and sold at No.4, Aldermary Church yard, Bow Lane, London, [1800?]
- 1800
- 1 Resource
Available Online Britain's union, [electronic resource] : and the security of the Hanover Succession, consider'd. In a Letter from Windsor of the 30th of December, 1704. to a Member of Parliament in London. By a Person of Quality.
- Text
- London : printed, and sold by B. Bragg, at the Blue Ball in Ave Mary-Lane, 1705.
- 1705
- 1 Resource
Available Online delightful novels, displaying the stratagems of love and gallantry [electronic resource] : giving An Account of the various Accidents, Intrigues and Events, which have happened to several Persons in pursuance of their Amorous Inclinations. Very Entertaining for Gentlemen, Ladies, and others in their vacant Hours. Namely, 1. The Honourable Infidelity. 2. The Lucky Misfortune. 3. The Cruel Fair One. 4. The Unparallel'd Friendship. 5. The Constant Couple. 6. The Loves of King Edgar. 7. The deluded Coxcombs. 8. The Two Alphonso's. 9. The Cheats of Mucio. 10. The Law of Divorce. 11. The Noble Recompence. 12. The grateful Robber. By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed by Tho. Norris, at the Looking glass on London-Bridge, 1719.
- 1719
- 1 Resource
Available Online weary pilgrim returning to Jerusalem encourag'd. [electronic resource] : In a letter to his neice, whose parents had been seduced by Quakers. By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for George Sawbridge, at the 3 Flower de Luces in Little Britain, and sold by J. Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater Noster Row, [1709?]
- 1709
- 1 Resource
Available Online full account of the actions of the late famous pyrate, Capt. Kidd. [electronic resource] : With the proceedings against him, and a vindication of The Right Honourable Richard Earl of Bellomont, Lord Coloony, late Governor of New-England, and other honourable persons, from the Unjust Reflections cast upon tehm. By a person of quality.
- Text
- Dublin : re-printed for Matthew Gunn, Bookseller in Essex-Street, 1701.
- 1701
- 1 Resource
Available Online history of the most renowned Queen Elizabeth, [electronic resource] : and her great favourite, the Earl of Essex. In two parts. A romance.
- Text
- London : printed by and for W. O. and sold by C. Bates, [1705?]
- 1705
- 1 Resource
Available Online delightful novels, displaying the stratagems of love and gallantry [electronic resource] : Giving An Account of the various Accidents, intrigues and Events, which have happen'd to several Persons in pursuance of their amorous inclinations. Very entertaining for Gentlemen, Ladies and others in their vacant Hours. Namely. 1. The Honourable Infidelity. 2. The Lucky Misfortune. 3. The ... Fair One. 4. The Unparallel'd Friendship. 5. The Constant Couple. 6. The Loves of King Edgar. 7. The deluded coxcombs 8. The Two ... 9. The Cheats of ... 10. The Law of Divorce. 11. The Noble Recompence. 12. The grateful Robber. By a person of quality.
- Text
- Dublin : printed by Ann Law, at the Rein... Mountrath-Street, M,DCC,LX. [1760]
- 1760
- 1 Resource
Available Online secret history of the most renowned Q. Elizabeth and the E. of Essex. [electronic resource] : In two parts. By a person of quality.
- Text
- Dublin : [s.n.], Printed in the Year, 1725.
- 1725
- 1 Resource
Available Online full account of the proceedings in relation to Capt. Kidd. [electronic resource] : In two letters. Written by a person of quality to a kinsman of the Earl of Bellomont in Ireland.
- Text
- London : printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCI. [1701]
- 1701
- 1 Resource
Available Online and comical essays, [electronic resource] : viz. On the town. --- The art of pleasing in women. -On the Readers of this Book. -The Play-Houses. -The Universities. On Politicians and Coffee-Houses. Philosophy not Proof against Love. -Self-Conceit. -Tea-Tables. -Swearing aud Profane Jesting. -Travel. -The Court. -Flattery, &c. With ingenious letters amorous and gallant. Occasional thoughts and Reflections on Men and Manners. Also the English epigrammatist, and the instructive library. To which is added, satyrical and panegyrical characters. Fitted to the Humours of the Time. By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed, and sold by J. King, at the Crown and Bible in Little-Britain, 1710.
- 1710
- 1 Resource
Available Online brothers: or, treachery punish'd. [electronic resource] : Interspers'd with I. The Adventures of Don Alvarez. II. The Adventures of Don Lorenzo. III. Cupid and Bacchus, a Dramatic Entertainment. And, IV. The Adventures of Mariana, Sister to Don Alvarez. Written by a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for T. Payne, at the Crown in Ivy-Lane, near Pater-Noster-Row, 1730.
- 1730
- 1 Resource
Available Online considerations upon the late attempt to repeal the Test Act. [electronic resource] : Humbly offered to the dissenters, as well as to those gentlemen of the established church, who were of Opinion that the said Act ought to be repealed. By a person of quality.
- Text
- London : printed for H. Clements, and sold by J. Hyde, bookseller in Dublin, 1719.
- 1719
- 1 Resource
Available Online Britain's union and the security of the Hanover succession consider'd : in a letter from Windsor of the 30th of December 1704 to a member of Parliament in London / by a Person of Quality.
- Text
- London : Printed and sold by B. Bragg ..., 1705.
- 1705
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text CI p.v. 86 no. 1-22, 24-31 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
A guide to English juries : setting forth their antiquity, power, and duty, from the common-law and statutes : with a table / by a Person of quality ; also a letter to the author, upon the same subject.
- Text
- [Dublin] : London printed, and re-printed in Dublin and are to be sold by the booksellers, 1725.
- 1725
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text *C p.v. 74 11 titles Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
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