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Displaying 1-5 of 5 results for author "Powers, D. A. (Dale A.)"
A simplified model of aerosol removal by containment sprays [microform] / prepared by D.A. Powers, S.B. Burson.
- Text
- Washington, D.C. : Division of Safety Issue Resolution, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [distributor, 1993]
- 1993
A simplified model of aerosol scrubbing by a water pool overlying core debris interacting with concrete [microform] : draft report for comment / prepared by D.A. Powers, J.L. Sprung.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Division of Safety Issue Resolution, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [distributor], 1992.
- 1993
Source term attenuation by water in the Mark I boiling water reactor drywell [microform] / prepared by D.A. Powers.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Division of Systems Research, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [distributor], 1993.
- 1993
Submission for the CSNI/GREST benchmark exercise on chemical thermodynamic modeling in core-concrete interaction releases of radionuclides / prepared by D.A. Powers.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Division of Systems Research, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 1988.
- 1988
A simplified model of aerosol scrubbing by a water pool overlying core debris interacting with concrete [microform] : final report / prepared by D.A. Powers, J.L. Sprung.
- Text
- Washington, DC : Division of Safety Issue Resolution, Office of Nuclear Regulatory Research, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission : Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. [distributor], 1993.
- 1993
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