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Displaying 1-17 of 17 results for author "Richardson, H. D."
Holiday sports and pastimes for boys. By H. D. Richardson.
- Text
- London, W. S. Orr & co., 1848.
- 1848
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text MVFL (Richardson, H. D. Holiday sports and pastimes for boys) Offsite The hive and the honey-bee; with plain directions for obtaining a considerable annual income from this branch of rural economy. To which is added, an account of the diseases of bees, with their remedies. Also, remarks as to their enemies, and the best mode of protecting the bees from their attacks. By H.D. Richardson ...
- Text
- New York, C.M. Saxton, 1852.
- 1852
Domestic fowl and ornamental poultry; their natural history, origin, and treatment in health and disease. By H.D. Richardson ... With illustrations on wood.
- Text
- New York : C.M. Saxton, [c1852]
- 1852
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text VPT (Richardson, H. Domestic fowl and ornamental poultry. 1852) 1852 Offsite Dogs: their origin and varieties, directions as to their general management, and simple instructions as to their treatment under disease. By H.D. Richardson ... with illustrations on wood, drawn and engraved by W. Oldham.
- Text
- Dublin, James McGlashan; London, W.S. Orr and Co., Edinburgh, Fraser and Co., 1847.
- 1847
The hive and the honey-bee; with plain directions for obtaining a considerable annual income from this branch of rural economy. To which is added, an account of the diseases of bees, with their remedies; also, remarks as to their enemies, and the best mode of protecting the bees from their attacks.
- Text
- Dublin, J. McGlashan, 1847.
- 1847
The hive and the honey-bee: with an account of the diseases of the insect, with their remedies.
- Text
- London, W.S. Orr & Co. [1853]
- 1853
The hive and the honey-bee; with plain directions for obtaining a considerable annual income from this branch of rural economy. To which is added, an account of the diseases of bees, with their remedies. Also, remarks as to their enemies, and the best mode of protecting the bees from their attacks. By H.D. Richardson ...
- Text
- New York, C.M. Saxton, 1857.
- 1857
Domestic fowl: their natural history, breeding, rearing and general management. By H.D. Richardson.
- Text
- Dublin, J. McGlashan; [etc.,etc.] 1846.
- 1846
Domestic fowl and ornamental poultry; their natural history, origin, and treatment in health and disease.
- Text
- 1856.
- 1856
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text VPT (Richardson, H. Domestic fowl and ornamental poultry. 1856) 1856 Offsite The hive and the honey-bee [microform] : with plain directions for obtaining a considerable annual income from this branch of rural economy. ...
- Text
- New York : C. M. Saxton, 1852.
- 1852
Horses; their varieties, breeding, and management in health and disease, by H.D. Richardson. With numerous illus., drawn by Charles Grey and engraved by W. Oldham.
- Text
- Dublin, McGlashan, 1849.
- 1849
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KE 35100 Off-site Dogs: their origin and varieties, directions as to their general management, and simple instructions as to their treatment under disease / By H.D. Richardson ...
- Text
- New York : C.M. Saxton and Company, 1857.
- 1857
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KD 10905 Off-site Domestic pigs: their origin and varieties, management with a view to profit, and general treatment in health and disease. With plain directions for curing and preserving their flesh.
- Text
- London, W.S. Orr & Co., etc., etc., [185- ]
- 185
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Agr 694.10.5 Off-site The horse: its varieties, breeding, and management. By H.D. Richardson ...
- Text
- London, W.S. Orr & co. [1852]
- 1852
- 2 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text Off-site Not available - Please for assistance.Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text KD 58344 Off-site
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