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Displaying 1-7 of 7 results for author "Russia. Ministerstvo puteĭ soobshchenīi︠a︡."
Administration de la construction des chemins de fer de l'empire. : I.-Notice sur l'Administration de la construction des chemins de fer de l'empire. II.-construction du Chemin de fer Transsibérien. III.-Catalogue des objets exposés.
- Text
- Paris, [1900]
- 1900
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 625 R924 Off-site Aperçu statistique des chemins de fer et des voies navigables de la Russie. : Avec annexe de cartes et de tableaux graphiques.
- Text
- St. Petersbourg : (J.N. Kouchnereff & Cie.), 1900.
- 1900
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 382 R925 Off-site Vsepoddanni︠e︡ĭshīĭ otchet o di︠e︡i︠a︡telʹnosti Ministerstva puteĭ soobshchenīi︠a︡ ...
- Text
- Petrograd
- 1
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 385.947 R9242 (1913) Off-site Guide to the Great Siberian railway. : Published by the Ministry of ways of communication / edited by A.I. Dmitriev-Mámonov and A.F. Zdziárski ... English translation by Miss L. Kúkol-Yasnopólsky, rev. by John Marshall. With 2 phototypes, 360 photo-gravures, 4 maps of Siberia and 3 plans of towns.
- Text
- St. Petersburg : Artistic Printing Society, 1900.
- 1900
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text 957 D642 Off-site The Russian government\u0027s plan of future railroad construction ; proposal of the Ministry of ways of communication to the state Duma on the subject of the appropriation of definite credits in the budget of extraordinary expenditures of the Ministry of ways of communication for the five-year period of 1917-1921, for the construction of new railroads at the expense of the state, in connection with the plan for railroad construction during the indicated five-year period.
- Text
- New York : Publication department, Youroveta home & foreign trade Co., [1918?]
- 1918
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text F d8087 Off-site Guide to the Great Siberian railway. : Published by the Ministry of ways of communication / edited by A. I. Dmitriev-Mámonov and A. F. Zdziárski ... English translation by Miss L. Kúkol-Yasnopólsky, rev. by John Marshall. With 2 phototypes, 360 photo-gravures, 4 maps of Siberia and 3 plans of towns.
- Text
- St. Petersburg : Artistic Printing Society, 1900.
- 1900
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text MQ87 R82 Off-site Wegweiser auf der grossen sibirischen Eisenbahhn, hrsg. vom Ministerium der Wegekommunikationen unter Redaktion von A. J. Dmitrijew-Mamonow und des Ingenieurs A. F. Zdziarski. Aus dem Russischen von A. Lütschg. Mit 2 Phototypien, 360 Phototypogravüren, 4 Karten von Sibirien und 3 Stadtplänen.
- Text
- St. Petersburg, Kunstdruckgesellschaft, 1901.
- 1901
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text HC483 .R91 Off-site
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