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Displaying 1-15 of 15 results for author "S. Baker and G. Leigh (London, England)"
A catalogue of the entire and valuable library of John Ives, jun [electronic resource] : Esq; Fellow of the Royal and Antiquarian Societies, and Suffolk Herald Extraordinary: with the valuable library of Another Gentleman: The whole containing a fine Collection of Books of Antiquities, curious Manuscripts (both on Vellum and Paper) in Heraldry, Family pedigrees, Visitations, and Antiquities of various Counties, fine illuminated Missals, &c. &c. Which will be sold by Auction, By S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent-Garden, Beginning Monday, March the 3d, 1777, and to continue the six following Days, The Auction to begin exactly at Twelve O'Clock. The Books may be viewed on Monday, February the 24th, to the Time of Sale.
- Text
- [London : s.n. , 1777]
- 1777
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of the library of Thomas Jekyl, [electronic resource] : Esq; deceased; nephew of the Right Honourable Sir Joseph Jekyl, Late Master of the Rolls; Containing A very large and good collection of Miscellaneous Books, with many scarce Books in Black Letter, and other curious Books: to which is added, The collection of prints and drawings of Dr. Anthony Askew, deceased. Which will be sold by Auction, By S. Baker and G. Leigh, booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent Garden, Beginning Monday, March the 20th, 1775, and to continue the Fourteen following Days, Beginning each Day at Twelve O'Clock. The whole may be viewed on Thursday, March the 16th, to the Time of Sale. Catalogues to be had (price Six-Pence) of the following Booksellers; Mr. Dodsley's, Pall Mall; Mr. Robson's. Bond Street; Mr. Walter's, Charing Cross; Mess. Brotherton's and Sewel's, Cornhill; Mr. Owen's, Temple Bar; and at the Place of Sale.
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- [London : s.n., 1775]
- 1775
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books lately purchased [electronic resource] : The whole containing ten thousand volumes, In all Arts and Sciences, and in most Languages. Which will begin to be sold very reasonable. The lowest Price printed in the Catalogue, By S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York Street, Covent-Garden. On Tuesday, March the 31st, 1767, And to continue every Day. Catalogues to be had gratis of the following Booksellers, Mr. Dodsley's, Pall Mall; Mr. Robson's, Bond street; Mr. Walter's, Charing Cross; Mr. Brotherton's, Cornhill; Mr. Owen's, and Mr. Hingeston's, Temple-Bar; and at the Place of Sale. - Where is given to the full Value for any Library.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1767]
- 1767
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of several libraries lately purchased [electronic resource] : In which are included those of The Rev. Michael Festing, D. D. Rector of Wyke Regis in Dorsetshire, Richard Phelps, Esq; Provost Marshal General of the Leeward Islands, and of Messrs. Richardson's, Eminent Portrait Painters of Queen Square; All lately Deceased; The whole containing a fine Collection of Books in all Arts and Sciences, in most Languages, and in good Condition. Which will be sold very reasonable, the Prices printed in the Catalogue, By Mess. Baker and Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York Street, Covent-Garden, Beginning January 1772, and to continue till the whole are sold. Catalogues to be had gratis of the following Booksellers, Mr. Dodsley's, Pall Mall; Mr. Robson's, Bond-Street; Mr. Walter's, Charing Cross; Brotherton's, and Sewel's, Cornhill; Mr. Owen's, Temple-Bar; and at the Place of Sale. - Where is given to the full Value for any Library.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1771]
- 1771
- 1 Resource
Available Online Askeviana. [electronic resource] : Sive catalogus librorum rarissimorum Antonii Askew, M.D. Quorum auctio fiet apud S. Baker & G. Leigh, In Vico dicto York Street, Covent Garden, Londini, die Lunae 13 Februarii MDCCLXXV. & in undeviginti sequentes Dies. Catalogi venundantur apud Londini Bibliopolas; Baker & Leigh, York-Street, Covent-Garden; Dodsley, Pall-Mall; Robson, Bond-Street; Walter, Charing-Cross; Owen, Temple-Bar; Brotherton & Sewell, Cornhill; & a Paris chez J. B. Gibert, Hotel de Cluny, Rue des Mathurins, St. Jaques; & Amsterdam chez Marc Michel Rey. (price One Shilling and Six-Pence.) - There are a few Copies printed on Royal Paper. Price Four Shillings.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1774]
- 1774
- 1 Resource
Available Online Smithiana [electronic resource] : A catalogue of the curious, elegant, and very valuable library of Joseph Smith, Esq; His Britannick Majesty's Consul at Venice lately deceased. The Books are in the finest Preservation, and consist of The very Best, and Scarcest Editions of the Latin, Italian, and French Authors, from the Invention of Printing; Many Capital Books of Prints and Antiquities, with Manuscripts and Missals upon Vellum finely illuminated. Which will be sold by auction, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent-Garden, on Monday, January the 25th, 1773, and the thirteen following Days, Beginning each Day at Twelve O'Clock.
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- [London : s.n., 1773]
- 1773
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of the large and valuable libraries, [electronic resource] : of Two Learned Gentlemen; Lately Deceas'd; Henry Pemberton, M.D. F.R.S. and James Wilson, M. D. Which will begin to be sold by Auction, By S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent Garden, On Monday, February the 24th, and to continue the Seventeen following Evenings. Beginning each Evening at Six O'Clock. The Books may be viewed on Monday the 17th, to the Time of Sale.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1772]
- 1772
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of the library of the Reverend Dr. Gregory Sharpe, [electronic resource] : Master of the Temple, deceased; containing A very uncommon Collection of Books, in Critical, Grammatical, and Philological Learning, and particularly on the Eastern Languages; also a fine Collection of Oriental Manuscripts: to which is added His Curious Collection of Prints and Drawings, in the Finest Condition, and of the Greatest Masters. Which will begin to be Sold by auction, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent-Garden, On Monday, April the 8th, and to continue the Ten following Days, beginning each Day exactly at 12 O'Clock. N. B. The Whole may be viewed on Monday, April the 1st, to the Time of Sale. Catalogues to be had gratis of the following Booksellers: Mr. Dodsley, Pall Mall; Mr. Robson, Bond-Street; Mr. Waller, Charing Cross; Brotherton, and Sewell, Cornhill; Mr. Owen, Temple-Bar; and at the Place of Sale.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1771]
- 1771
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books, lately purchased; containing upwards of ten thousand volumes, in all arts and sciences, and in most languages; Among many other valuable Articles are the following, in Folio. Gronovii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Graecarum, corio turcico, 13 vol. Graevii Thesaurus Antiquitatum Romanarum, 12 vol. Theatrum Sabaudiae, 2 vol. Dillenii Hortus Elthamensis, 2 vol. Andersoni Diplomata Scotiae Dugdale Monasticon Angl. 3 vol. Gruteri Inscriptiones, 4 vol. Hoffmanni Lexicon, edit. opt. 4 vol. Historiae Romanae Scriptores, 3 vol. Mariana Hist. Hispaniae, 2 vol. Passerii Thesaurus Gemmarum, 3 vol. Rymeri Foedera, edit. opt. 20 vol. Caesaris Commentaria, corio turcico, a Sam. Clarke, Dionysius Halicarnasseus, ab Hudsono, 2 vol. Eustathius in Homerum, 3 vol. Josephus Havercampi, 2 vol. Dion Cassius, 2 vol. Polybius Casauboni Strabo, edit. opt. 2 vol. Virgilius Ambrogii, 3 vol. Gesneri Thesaurus Linguae Latinae, 4 vol. Hesychii Lexicon, 2 vol. Vertue'a and Houbraken's Heads, l. p. Inigo Jones's Designs, large and small pep Ruins of Balbec - of Palmyra State Tryals, 10 vol. Madox's Exchequer Morant's Essex, large and small paper, 2 vol. Rapin, large paper, 2 vol. With many others equally good. Which will be sold very reasonable, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York Street, Covent-Garden. This month, February 1770, And to continue till all are sold [electronic resource].
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1770]
- 1770
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of several libraries and parcels of books, lately purchased; containing upwards of ten thousand volumes, in all arts and sciences [electronic resource] : Among which are the following Articles in Folio. Dillenii Hortus Eltham. 2 vol. Banduri Numismata, 2 vol. Gruteri Inscriptiones, 4 vol. Gronovii & Graevii Thesaurus Antiq. Gr. & Rom. 25 vol. Thesaurus Veterum Diptycorum, cum mulcis fig. 2 vol. Hoffmanni Lexicon, edit. opt. 4 vol. Historiae Romanae Scriptores Veteres omnes, 3 vol. Idem Liber, corio turcico, 3 vol. Marianae Historia Hispaniae, edit. opt. 4 vol. Passerii Picturae Etruscorum Vasculorum Idem Liber, colorat. Rymeri Foedera, 20 vol. Seldeni Opera, 6 vol. Vossii Opera, chart. max. 6 vol. Caesaris Commentaria, corio turcico, foliis deaurat. Plutonis Opera. Serrani, 3 vol. Virgilius, cum figuris Vaticanis, 3 vol. Augustini Opera, Edit. Bened. 12 tom. Clericus & Hatomondus in Vet. ac Novum Test. 6 vol. Bowen's and Kitchen's Atlas Ruins of Balbec Catesby's History of Carolina, coloured, 2 vol. Cowper's Anatomy Oxford Temple of the Muses, by Picart Inigo Jones's Designs The same Book, large paper Atkyns's Gloucestershire, l. and small Hollinshed's Chronicle, best, 2 vol. Morant's Essex, 2 vol. State Tryals, best, 10 vol. Bayle's Dictionary, 5 vol. russia Harris's Voyages, best, 2 vol. Patrick, Lowth and Whitby, 6 vol. Hill's Natural Hist. coloured, 3 vol. With a very good Collection of Law Books. Atlas, par Palairet Le Ruines de Grece, par Le Roy Dictionnaire de Martinlere, 9 vol. -de Moreri, 8 vol. Herbelot Bibliotheque Orientale Voyages de Motraye, 3 vol. Oeuvres de Bayle, 4 vol. Roman de la Rose, edit. primiers, senilles ... en maroquin Historia D'italia, di Guicciardini, 2 vol. With many others equally good. Which will be sold very reasonable, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York Street, Covent-Garden. Beginning January 1771, and to continue till all are sold.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1770]
- 1770
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of the valuable library of the Revd. Doctor William Freind, [electronic resource] : Dean of Canterbury; (lately Deceased;) Which will be sold by Auction, By S. Baker and G. Leigh, booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent Garden, On Tuesday, April the 28th, 1767, and the Seven following Days, (sunday excepted) Beginning each Day exactly at Twelve O'Clock.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1767]
- 1767
- 1 Resource
Available Online catalogue of the remaining part of the valuable collection of the late well known antiquary Mr. Martin, [electronic resource] : of Palgrave, Suffolk; consisting of Many very valuable and ancient Manuscripts on Vellum, early printed Black Letter Books, and several other scarce Books; his Law Library, Deeds, Grants and Pedigrees; a valuable Collection of Drawings and Prints by the best Masters -and his Collection of Greek, Roman, Saxon, and English Coins-With some Curiosities. Which will be sold by auction, by S. Baker and G. Leigh, Booksellers, At their House in York-Street, Covent Garden, On Wednesday the 18th of May 1774, and the Three following Days. The whole Collection may be viewed on Monday the 16th, to the Time of Sale; which will begin each Day at Twelve O'Clock. Catalogues to be had gratis of the following Booksellers; Mr. Dodsley's, Pall Mall; Mr. Robson's Bond Street; Mr. Walter's, Charing Cross; Mess. Brotherton's and Sewel's, Cornhill; Mr. Owen's-Temple Bar; and at the Place of Sale.
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1774]
- 1774
- 1 Item
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