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Displaying 1-7 of 7 results for author "Sayers, Edward."
The American flower garden companion : adapted to the northern states / by Edward Sayers.
- Text
- Boston : J. Breck, 1838.
- 1838
- 1 Item
Available Online details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text VQG (Sayers, E. American flower garden companion) Offsite The American fruit garden companion : being a practical treatise on the propagation and culture of fruit, adapted to the northern and middle states / by E. Sayers.
- Text
- Boston : Weeks, Jordan and Co., 1839.
- 1839
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text VQK (Sayers, E. American fruit garden companion) Offsite A manual on the cultivation of live fences, with a practical treatise on the cultivation of evergreens, ornamental trees, &c. by E. Sayers ...
- Text
- Cincinnati, Ely and Campbell, 1845.
- 1845
A treatise on the culture of the dahlia and cactus [electronic resource] / by E. Sayers.
- Text
- Boston : Weeks, Jordan and Co., 1839
- 1839
The American flower garden companion [electronic resource] : adapted to the northern and middle states / by Edward Sayers.
- Text
- Boston : Weeks, Jordan and Co., 1839, [c1838]
- 1839-1838
The American fruit garden companion [electronic resource] : being a practical treatise on the propagation and culture of fruit, adapted to the northern and middle states / by E. Sayers.
- Text
- Boston : Weeks, Jordan and Co., 1839, [c1838]
- 1839-1838
A manual on the culture of the grape [electronic resource] : with a dissertation on the growth and management of fruit trees, adapted to the Northern states / by E. Sayers.
- Text
- Newark, N.J. : The author, and sold by most seedsmen & booksellers in the Union, 1837
- 1837
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