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Displaying 1-11 of 11 results for author "Unesco. Education Clearing House."
African languages and English in education; a report of a meeting of experts on the use in education of African languages in relation to English where English is the accepted second language, held at Jos, Nigeria, November 1952.
- Text
- Nendeln, Liechtenstein, Kraus Reprint, 1966.
- 1966-1953
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc 371.98-U (United Nations Educational...African languages and English in education) Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
African languages and English in education; a report of a meeting of experts on the use in education of African languages in relation to English, where English is the accepted second language, held at Jos, Nigeria, November 1952.
- Text
- [Paris, 1953]
- 1953
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc 371.98-U (United Nations Educational... African languages... 1953) Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Les langues africaines et l'anglais dans l'ensiegnement; rapport d'une réunion d'experts sur l'emploi des langues africaines dans l'enseignement lorsque la seconde langue adoptée est la langue anglais. Réunion tenur à Jos. (Nigéria) en Novembre 1952.
- Text
- [Paris, Organization des Nations Unies pour l'education, 1953]
- 1953
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text Sc 371.98-U (United Nations Educational... Langues africaines ...) Schomburg Center - Research & Reference Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schomburg Center to submit a request in person.
Literacy teaching; a selected bibliography.
- Text
- Paris, UNESCO [1956]
- 1956
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text F-10 1329 no. 1-9 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Some studies in education of immigrants for citizenship: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Israel.
- Text
- [Paris, 1955]
- 1955
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Book/Text F-10 480 no. 1-13 Schwarzman Building - Main Reading Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Bilateral consultations for the improvement of history textbooks.
- Text
- [Paris, 1953]
- 1953
Modern languages in the schools.
- Text
- [Paris, 1953]
- 1953
Draft international list of educational periodicals. : Projet de liste internationale des revues pedagogiques. Proyecto de la listo internacional de revistas de educación.
- Text
- Paris, 1956.
- 1956
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 016.05 Un435 Off-site Draft survey and directory of education clearing houses and documentation centres : prepared in conformity with Res. 1.121 of the eighth General Conference of Unesco in the Education Clearing House of the Department of Education.
- Text
- Paris, 1955.
- 1955
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text 026.37 Un4 Off-site
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