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Displaying 1-50 of 84 results for author "United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Readiness, author."
Civilian workforce requirements--now and across the Future Years Defense Program : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held July 26, 2012.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
Department of the Air Force aircraft force structure reductions : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held July 12, 2012.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
United States force posture in the United States Pacific Command area of responsibility : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Twelfth Congress, second session, hearing held August 1, 2012.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
Ensuring Navy surface force effectiveness with limited maintenance resources : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness meeting jointly with the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held August 1, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Resource
Available Online readiness posture of the U.S. Army : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 16, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Resource
Available Online readiness posture of the U.S. Air Force : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 24, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Resource
Available Online readiness posture of the U.S. Army : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 16, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
The readiness posture of the U.S. Air Force : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 24, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
Resetting the force for the future : risks of sequestration : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 2, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Resource
Available Online viability of the sustainment industrial base : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held February 28, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. G.P.O., 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Resource
Available Online readiness posture of the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 26, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2013.
- 2013
- 1 Resource
Available Online Navy surface force effectiveness with limited maintenance resources : joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness meeting jointly with the Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held August 1, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
- 2014
The readiness posture of the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 26, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
- 2014
Assuring viability of the sustainment industrial base : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held February 28, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2013]
- 2013
The interpretation of H.R. 3210, Pay Our Military Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 10, 2013.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Resource
Available Online the force for the future : risks of sequestration : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 2, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, District of Columbia] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
- 2014
Operation and maintenance without OCO funds : what now? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held March 27, 2014.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2014.
- 2014
- 1 Resource
Available Online interpretation of H.R. 3210, Pay Our Military Act : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 10, 2013.
- Text
- [Washington, District of Columbia] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
- 2014
Operation and maintenance without OCO funds : what now? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held March 27, 2014.
- Text
- [Washington, D.C.] : U.S. Government Printing Office, [2014]
- 2014
The Department of Defense's readiness posture : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 10, 2014.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2015.
- 2015
- 1 Resource
Available Online Department of Defense's readiness posture : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Thirteenth Congress, first session, hearing held April 10, 2014.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Printing Office, 2015.
- 2015
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on alignment of infrastructure investment and risk and defense strategic requirements : hearing held March 3, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015.
- 2015
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of Defense's readiness posture : hearing held March 26, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015.
- 2015
- 1 Resource
Available Online Fleet Response Plan : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : hearing held September 10, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on alignment of infrastructure investment and risk and defense strategic requirements : hearing held March 3, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015.
- 2015
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2016 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of Defense's readiness posture : hearing held March 26, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2015.
- 2015
Public shipyard's role in meeting operational requirements : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 1, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online Fleet Response Plan : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : hearing held September 10, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Effects of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Army and Marine Corps readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : hearing held December 3, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Navy readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held January 8, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Air Force readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held January 13, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the U.S. Transportation Command fiscal year 2017 readiness posture : hearing held March 15, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Marine Corps 2017 operations and maintenance budget request and readiness posture : hearing held March 3, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of the Army 2017 operations and maintenance budget request and readiness posture : hearing held February 26, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
- 1 Resource
Available Online of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Army and Marine Corps readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session : hearing held December 3, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Effects of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Air Force readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held January 13, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Effects of reduced infrastructure and base operating support investments on Navy readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held January 8, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Public shipyard's role in meeting operational requirements : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, first session, hearing held October 1, 2015.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Aviation readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held July 6, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2017.
- 2017
- 1 Resource
Available Online on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of the Navy 2017 operations and maintenance budget request and readiness posture : hearing held March 17, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of the Army 2017 operations and maintenance budget request and readiness posture : hearing held February 26, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Marine Corps 2017 operations and maintenance budget request and readiness posture : hearing held March 3, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2017 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the Department of the Air Force 2017 budget request and readiness : hearing held February 12, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2016.
- 2016
Aviation readiness : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fourteenth Congress, second session : hearing held July 6, 2016.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2017.
- 2017
The current state of the U.S. Navy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session : hearing held March 16, 2017.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2018.
- 2018
- 1 Resource
Available Online readiness : what's the flight plan? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held November 9, 2017.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2018.
- 2018
- 1 Resource
Available Online current state of the U.S. Navy : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session : hearing held March 16, 2017.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2018.
- 2018
Aviation readiness : what's the flight plan? : hearing before the Subcommittee on Readiness of the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session, hearing held November 9, 2017.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2018.
- 2018
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, first session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on the current state of the U.S. Air Force : hearing held March 22, 2017.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2018.
- 2018
Hearing on National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 and oversight of previously authorized programs before the Committee on Armed Services, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, second session : Subcommittee on Readiness hearing on Navy readiness posture : hearing held March 20, 2018.
- Text
- Washington : U.S. Government Publishing Office, 2019.
- 2019
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