Research Catalog

  • A table of indices and power residues for all primes and prime powers below 2000. Computed by the University of Oklahoma mathematical tables project under the direction of Richard V. Andree. Introd. by H.S. Vandiver.

    • Text
    • New York, Norton [1962]
    • 1962
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text OEL (Oklahoma. University. Mathematical tables project. Table of indices and power residues)Offsite
  • A table of indices and power residues for all primes and prime powers below 2000. Computed by the University of Oklahoma mathematical tables project under the direction of Richard V. Andree. Introd. by H.S. Vandiver.

    • Text
    • New York, Norton [1962]
    • 1962
    • 1 Item
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Text 81073.686Off-site

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