Research Catalog

  • Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms. A revision of F. W. Mills "An index to the genera and species of the diatomaceae and their symonyms." By Sam L. van Landingham.

    • Text
    • Lehre : Cramer, 1967-
    • 1967-present
    • 8 Items
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text PXL (Van Landingham, S. L. Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms) v. 6 (1978)Offsite
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text PXL (Van Landingham, S. L. Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms) v. 7 (1978)Offsite
    FormatCall NumberItem Location
    Book/Text PXL (Van Landingham, S. L. Catalogue of the fossil and recent genera and species of diatoms and their synonyms) v. 8 (1979)Offsite

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