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Displaying 1-1 of 1 results for author "Vserossīĭskai͡a 1896 goda vystavka v Nizhnem Novgorodi͡e (1896). Imperatorskai͡a kommissi͡a."
Pan-Russian exhibition of 1896 in Nijni Novgorod ; guide-book to the town, the fair, and the Exhibition / [Prepared by order of the Imperial Commission, confirmed by the Minister of Finance, compiled by P.I. Miller, under the supervision of V.I. Kovalyʹeffsky, and is translated from the original Russian by Seymour E.F. Haye. Illustrations drawn by N.S. Samókish [and others] from photographs by A. Dmitrieff]
- Text
- St. Petersburg : Printing-Office of E. Hoppe, [1896?]
- 1896
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