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Displaying 1-1 of 1 results for author "Wahid, Khawaja Abdul."
Customs act, 1969 (as amended by Finance ord., 1969, Finance ord., 1972 and Finance act, 1973) with rules & notifications, containing 1. Customs act, 1969, 2. Valuation (imports) rules, 1972, 3. Valuation (exports) rules, 1972, 4. Drawback for manufactured export rules, 1971, 5. Drawback (same state goods) rules, 1971, 6. Finance (supplementary) ordinance (XVIII of 1972) provisions about levy of additional customs duty, 7. Finance ordinance (XXI of 1972) amendments in Customs act, 8. Provisions about rectification of customs anomalies resulting from dev[a]luation of Pakistan rupee and 9. Notifications about exemptions, authorisations and regularisations issued under various provisions of customs act / by Khawaja Abdul Wahid.
- Text
- Lahore : Lahore Law Times Publications, 1974.
- 1974
- 1 Item
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