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The Barrier-Treaty vindicated.
- Text
- London: : Printed for A. Baldwin ..., 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GAM (Townshend, C. T. Barrier-treaty vindicated) Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The Dutch barrier our's: or, The interest of England and Holland inseparable. With reflections on the insolent treatment the Emperor and States-general have met with from the author of The conduct, and his brethren. To which is added, an enquiry into the causes of the clamour against the Dutch, particularly with reference to the fishery ...
- Text
- London: Printed in the year 1712.
- 1712
- 4 Items
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text CI p.v. 142 no. 1-4 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text CK p.v. 7 no. 1-16 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text GAE p.v. 5 no. 1-15 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Some remarks on the Barrier treaty, between Her Majesty and the States-General. By the author of the conduct of the allies. To which are added, The said Barrier-treaty, with the two separate articles; part of the counter-project; the sentiments of Prince Eugene and Count Sinzendorf, upon the said treaty; and a representation of the English merchants at Bruges.
- Text
- London, Printed for J. Morphew, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *KC 1712 (Swift, J. Some remarks on the Barrier treaty) Schwarzman Building - Rare Book Collection Room 328 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
Some remarks on the barrier treaty between Her Majesty and the States-General [electronic resource] / by the author of The conduct of the allies.
- Text
- Edinburgh : Re-printed by Robert Freebairn, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online barrier-Treaty vindicated [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXII. [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online answer to the exceptions made against the Ld Bp of Oxford's charge, [electronic resource] : By Mr. L. and Dr. Brett. In which the Justice and Reasonableness of the Bishop's Advice to his Clergy is vindicated: I. As to the Church's not being Independent on the State. But more particularly and at large is shewn from Scripture, Fathers, and other Authorities, II. That a Proper Sacrifice of the Bread and Wine in the Eucharist: III. That Sacerdotal Absolution by a Judicial Sentence, are no Doctrines of the Catholic Church, nor of the Church of England. To which is added, IV. A short Account of the Sense of the Church of England, as to the Validity of Lay-Baptism. With an appendix of some Authentick Declaration, of the Two Universities; of King James I. and of several Bishops in several Ages, concerning this last Point.
- Text
- London : printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXIII. [1713]
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online dutch barrier our's [electronic resource] : or the interest of England and Holland inseparable. With reflections on the insolent treatment the Emperor and States-General have met with from the author of The conduct, and his brethren. To which is added, An enquiry into the causes of the clamour against the Dutch, ...
- Text
- London : printed in the year, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online dutch barrier our's [electronic resource] : or, the interest of England and Holland inseparable. With reflections on the insolent treatment the Emperor and States-General have met with from the author of The conduct, and his brethen. To which is added, An enquiry into the Causes of the Clamour against the Dutch, particularly with Reference to the Fishery.
- Text
- London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online letter to the Examiner, [electronic resource] : Concerning the Barrier-Treaty vindicated.
- Text
- London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, 1713.
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online full answer to The conduct of the allies [electronic resource] : to which is added, some observations on the Remarks on the Barrier Treaty. By the same author.
- Text
- London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year MDCCXII. [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online reflections on the project for laying a duty on English wrought silks [electronic resource].
- Text
- [London : s.n., 1711?]
- 1711
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the Barrier Treaty, between Her Majesty and the States-General. [electronic resource] : By the author of The conduct of the allies. To which are added, the said Barrier-Treaty, with the two separate articles; Part of the Counter-Project; The Sentiments of Prince Eugene and Count Sinzendorf, upon the said Treaty; And a Representation of the English Merchants at Bruges.
- Text
- London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the charter of the College of Physicians in London, [electronic resource] : and the Act of Parliament which confirms it. Wherein the case is truly stated betwixt the universities and the college.
- Text
- London : printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXIV. [1714]
- 1714
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the charter of the College of Physicians in London, &c. Part II [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for Jonah Bowyer, at the Rose in Ludgate-Street, MDCCXIV. [1714]
- 1714
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the tragedy of Hamlet Prince of Denmark, [electronic resource] : Written by Mr. William Shakespeare.
- Text
- London : printed for W. Wilkins, in Lombard-Street, M,DCC,XXXVI. [1736]
- 1736
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on three treatises of the plague: viz. I. Dr. Mead's Short discourse concerning pestilential contagion. II. Dr. Mead's Short discourse explain'd, &c. III. Dr. Pye's Discourse of the plague, &c [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1721.
- 1721
- 1 Resource
Available Online reflections on the management of a theatre [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for J. Cooke, at Shakespear's-Head, behind the Chapter-House, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1760?]
- 1760
- 1 Resource
Available Online barrier-Treaty vindicated [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXII. [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the letters of the late Lord Bolingbroke, on the study and use of history; So far as they relate to Sacred History, The Genuineness of the Gospel, and its being A certain Rule of Faith and Practice [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1752]
- 1752
- 1 Resource
Available Online reflections on the eleventh section of Dr. D'Avenant's late book of essays, intituled, Peace at home, and war abroad, in a letter to a member of the honourable House of Commons [electronic resource].
- Text
- [London] : Printed in the year, 1704.
- 1704
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the Barrier Treaty, between Her Majesty and the States-General. [electronic resource] : By the author of The conduct of the allies. To which are added, the said Barrier-Treaty, with the two separate articles; Part of the Counter-Project; The Sentiments of Prince Eugene and Count Sinzendorf, upon the said Treaty; And a Representation of the English Merchants at Bruges.
- Text
- London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online barrier-Treaty vindicated [electronic resource].
- Text
- London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXIII. [1713]
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online short account and defence of the Barrier-Treaty [electronic resource] : By the late A. M. esq; .
- Text
- London : printed for A. Baldwin, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXIII. [1713]
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the bill for taking, examining and stating the publick accounts of the kingdom [electronic resource] : and on the proceedings thereon in both Houses, the last session.
- Text
- London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year, MDCCII. [1702]
- 1702
- 1 Resource
Available Online vindication of Oliver Cromwell, [electronic resource] : and the Whiggs of Forty One, to our modern Low Churchmen. With some reflections upon the Bar-r Treaty.
- Text
- [London] : Printed, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, MDCCXII. [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online answer to The examiner's cavils against the barrier treaty of 1709. [electronic resource] : To which are added the articles of the new barrier treaty that relate to the Hanover succession, both in Latin and English.
- Text
- London : sold by S. Popping, at the Raven in Pater-Noster-Row, [1713]
- 1713
- 1 Resource
Available Online vindication of Oliver Cromwell [electronic resource] : and the Whiggs of Forty One, to our modern Low Churchmen, with some reflections upon the Bar-----r Treaty.
- Text
- Dublin : reprinted, and sold by E. Waters in Essex-Street at the Corner of Sycamore-Alley, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the progress of learning since the Reformation [electronic resource] : especially with regard to the Hebrew. Occasion'd by the perusal of the Rev. Mr. Romaine's Proposal for reprinting the Dictionary and Concordance of F. Marius de Calasio, with large Additions and Emendations. in an Address to the Publick. By a stranger to the editor, and a friend to learning.
- Text
- London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, [1746]
- 1746
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the letters between the L-d T-----nd, [electronic resource] : and Mr. Se---tary B--le. In a letter to the author of the Remarks on the Barrier-Treaty.
- Text
- London : printed for John Morphew, near Stationers-Hall, [1712]
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the Barrier Treaty between Her Majesty and the States-General. [electronic resource] : By the author of The conduct of the allies. To which are added, the said Barrier-Treaty, with the two separate articles; Part of the Counter-Project; The Sentiments of Prince Eugene and Count Sinzendorf, upon the said Treaty; And a Representation of the English Merchants at Bruges.
- Text
- Dublin : re-printed for John Hyde Bookseller in Dames-Street, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online remarks on the Barrier Treaty, [electronic resource] : between Her Majesty and the States-General. By the author of The conduct of the allies. To which are added, the said Barrier-Treaty, with the two separate articles; Part of the Counter-Project; The Sentiments of Prince Eugene and Count Sinzendorf, upon the said Treaty; And a Representation of the English Merchants at Bruges.
- Text
- Edinburgh : re-printed by Mr. Robert Freebairn, and sold at his shop in the Parliament-Closs, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Resource
Available Online vindication of Oliver Cromwell and the Whiggs of forty one, to our modern low churchmen : with some reflections upon the Bar---r Treaty.
- Text
- [London] : Printed and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text CK p.v. 7 no. 1-16 Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
The present negotiations of peace vindicated from the imputation of trifling.
- Text
- London : Printed and sold by the booksellers, 1712.
- 1712
- 1 Item
Item details Format Call Number Item Location Text *C p.v. 662 27 titles Schwarzman Building - General Research Room 315 Available - Can be used on site. Please visit New York Public Library - Schwarzman Building to submit a request in person.
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